#AmericanFamilyAct: The expansion of the #child #taxcredits under the American Rescue Plan halved #child #poverty. When the policy ended, child poverty shot back up.
#americanfamilyact #child #taxcredits #poverty #guaranteedbasicincome
#BipartisanTrickleDown: Defining #poverty as a #cultural rather than an #economicproblem comported with the #ColdWar #propaganda that extolled an American #wayoflife in which the promise of #endlessgrowth had supposedly overcome class tensions
#RightToWork #AllJobsShouldBeUnionJobs #guaranteedbasicincome
#bipartisantrickledown #poverty #cultural #economicproblem #coldwar #propaganda #wayoflife #endlessgrowth #righttowork #alljobsshouldbeunionjobs #guaranteedbasicincome
#Sufficiency: less toil, less #work, less production and less #consumption are the only way we’re going to continue surviving on this planet. To fight global warming, we really need to chill.
#BullshitJobs #ExportingEmissions #ExportingHumanRightsEmissions
#ObliviousConsumption #GuaranteedBasicIncome
#guaranteedbasicincome #sufficiency #work #consumption #bullshitjobs #exportingemissions #exportinghumanrightsemissions #obliviousconsumption
Alameda’s guaranteed income pilot program, Rise Up Alameda, will begin accepting applications for eligible households at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 8. The new program will provide 150 randomly selected low-income households with $1,000 per month for 24 months.
#alameda #AlamedaFreeLibrary #AlamedaPointCollaborative #AreaMedianIncome #GuaranteedBasicIncome #MastickSeniorCenter #OperationDignity #RiseUpAlameda
#alameda #alamedafreelibrary #alamedapointcollaborative #areamedianincome #guaranteedbasicincome #mastickseniorcenter #operationdignity #riseupalameda
the current structures of the Multilateral #Development #Banks are ill-equipped to address the #climatecrisis or effectively manage numerous successive #crises in the short term
#stopsubsidizepolluters #pricepollution #carbonFee #guaranteedbasicincome
#development #banks #climatecrisis #crises #stopsubsidizepolluters #pricepollution #carbonFee #guaranteedbasicincome
#TaxOnThePoor: “Not having #money is time consuming. There are #hours spent at laundromats, hours at bus stops, hours at free clinics, hours at thrift stores, hours on the phone with the #bank or the #credit card company or the phone company over some fee, some little charge, some mistake... the problems with an #economic #system in which #property owners “win” by impoverishing #renters”. #PostalBanking #GuaranteedBasicIncome
Excerpt From
Having and Being Had
Eula Biss
#taxonthepoor #money #hours #bank #credit #economic #system #property #renters #postalbanking #guaranteedbasicincome
Mayor Ashcraft reviews promising economic development, environmental efforts, new local businesses, and more in her State of the City address. Karin K. Jensen covers the encouraging event as we celebrate progress for Alameda.
#AFD #AMP #APD #ARPD #Alameda #USSHornet #Homelessness #VillageOfLove #DignityVillage #HousingElement #WarmingShelter #AlamedaFoodBank #AffordableHousing #DecarbonizationPlan #GuaranteedBasicIncome #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#afd #amp #apd #arpd #alameda #usshornet #homelessness #villageoflove #dignityvillage #housingelement #warmingshelter #alamedafoodbank #affordablehousing #decarbonizationplan #guaranteedbasicincome #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
it's apparently #layoffseason at work. got the ol' two-week notice today. small town, not a lot of work to be dug up. job should've expanded but there just aren't all that many places looking for professional IT services here
can't just ditch responsibilities here, so will have to get creative about new income
OR, somehow trigger the arrival of #EndStageCapitalism and get everyone on #GuaranteedBasicIncome
find a new job, or bring down the system?
#layoffseason #endstagecapitalism #guaranteedbasicincome
#NewBrunswick makes no headway on #poverty by treating symptoms, says economist — Poverty could be eliminated for $1B annually, says Herb Emery / #GuaranteedBasicIncome
#guaranteedbasicincome #poverty #newbrunswick
#NewBrunswick makes no headway on #poverty by treating symptoms, says economist — Poverty could be eliminated for $1B annually, says Herb Emery / #GuaranteedBasicIncome
#guaranteedbasicincome #poverty #newbrunswick