Guard Duty (3) Well, this game got serious pretty quick!
#SaxcatsGamingCorner #GuardDuty #SickChickenStudios #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#saxcatsgamingcorner #guardduty #sickchickenstudios #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Guard Duty (2) Zoinks, we've got a mystery on our hands!
#SaxcatsGamingCorner #GuardDuty #SickChickenStudios #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#saxcatsgamingcorner #guardduty #sickchickenstudios #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Guard Duty (1) Partied to hard?
#SaxcatsGamingCorner #GuardDuty #SickChickenStudios #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#saxcatsgamingcorner #guardduty #sickchickenstudios #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
GuardDuty supports Lambda
Amazon GuardDuty expands threat detection coverage to continuously monitor network activity logs, starting with VPC Flow Logs, generated from the execution of AWS Lambda functions to detect threats to Lambda such as functions maliciously repurposed for unauthorized cryptocurrency mining, or compromised Lambda functions that are communicating with known threat actor servers.
#aws #guardduty #lambda #awslambda
Updated AWS::GuardDuty::Detector
Use Features property to configure a GuardDuty feature. For more information about features, see Feature activation in GuardDuty. #guardduty #cloudformation
Amazon GuardDuty RDS Protection for Amazon Aurora is now generally available @awscloud #aws #cloud #security #guardDuty
#aws #cloud #security #guardduty
Also some big improvements to the way you configure #GuardDuty
Exciting launch from my team: #GuardDuty #RDS Protection is now GA #aws #cybersecurity
#guardduty #rds #aws #cybersecurity
How to detect security issues in Amazon #EKS clusters using Amazon #GuardDuty
- and -
How to investigate and take action on security issues in Amazon #EKS clusters with #AmazonDetective
#eks #guardduty #amazondetective
AWS GuardDuty will have RDS protection to provide intrusion detection system coverage in AWS’ PaaS databases. Quite nice for PCI DSS compliance and such.
Container runtime threat detection now in #guardduty. #reInvent #keynote announcements
201 winners for Owners Group and my 19th win as an owner!
Well done, Guard Duty. I love this horse!
What a start for Guard Duty! It’s an double on the day - this time for and jockey Jack Wildman. Congratulations to all 👏🏻 🏆 #guardduty #ownersgroup
New region 'ap-south-2' launched by AWS a week ago, but there are no GuardDuty support for this region :( Meaning attackers can do whatever they want in this region without being detected by GuardDuty :facepalm-emoji:
(yes, ideally you should restrict regions with AWS SCPs)
#aws #guardduty #ap-south-2 #cloud #security
#aws #guardduty #ap #cloud #security
We have #GuardDuty -> #sns -> #sqs -> #lambda
The lambda decodes the and sends to slack. We add a priority ( adding !here or !channel etc) based on the Guard Duty levels. I think we filter a couple out. We have the option to send to a #PagerDuty email as well.
We're a pretty small(ish) startup so we don't have a SOC etc, just a couple of people hanging out in slack :sadglasses:
#guardduty #sns #sqs #lambda #pagerduty
@dob That's a big scope.
Some things we do to make our lives easier and doesn't cost $$$.
Enable #guardduty and pipe all the alerts into a slack channel (+email as well).
Enable #cloudtrail log everything to an #S3 bucket in another account. #cloudwatch alerts on auth failures (to slack + email (some go to pagerduty #infosec contact).
We also have some alerts on updates when a cidr is added to a #SecurityGroup.
Don't use #ssh or #bastion/#JumpHosts use #ssm to run automations on the hosts (package install, service restarts etc) also to get a shell on a box (if needed at all). (you can use #TransitiveTags with #RoleAssumption to give granular access).
Using #ssm for console access also logs the entire session (including someone doing sudo su - root
etc!) into #S3
Use #MicroSegmentation within our #vpc. Instances behind an #alb will only accept traffic from the #alb #SecurityGroup etc.. #rds, #elasticache willl only accept traffic from instances in the appropriate #SecurityGroup. (Basically we don't use cidr ingress rules, we use security group ids) (this works across accounts in the same region with peering, but not across regions however).
#guardduty #cloudtrail #s3 #cloudwatch #infosec #securitygroup #ssh #bastion #ssm #transitivetags #roleassumption #microsegmentation #vpc #alb #rds #elasticache #aws
"AWS GuardDuty Exfiltration Bypass with VPC Endpoints"