Ugh. It's happening here! And I dislike it immensely. Further, I really dislike the fact that Guardian Australia has managed to do this:
'The girl was born male but “socially transitioned” at the age of four, the court heard.'
Is it ironic social transitioning? Fuck me. Social transitioning *is* the treatment for children! Has the Guardian gone trans medicalist? Nothing in that sentence needed quotation, or an actual quote the court heard needs to be there. Yuck.
#TransRights #Transphobia #SocialTransition #TransMedicine #VICCourts #GuardianAUS #GuardianAustralia
#transrights #transphobia #socialtransition #transmedicine #viccourts #guardianaus #guardianaustralia
Asher Wolf is the first person I remember, right back in 2016, who began to fight #Robodebt and they deserve far more recognition, respect and thanks.
This was also an example of Twitter at its best- supportive and in accord. So very many were active then, supporting and encouraging those with debts, suggesting ways to track down income proof, explaining clearly why averaging was illegal, many ex PS fr DSS and ATO knew and laid it out time after time.
Asher started working tirelessly w others and using #NotMyDebt to publicise how wrong this was, to gather info, help w advice, lobby politicians and social community welfare orgs to fight this cruel deliberately ignorant injustice. They never stopped for all those years.
#MSM Journalists who use Twitter to their own ends just ignored this storm of information but were on Twitter and still did not pursue it w exception of #GuardianAus.
#Labor MP's pursued individual cases in their electorates but could have made far more impact if they had pursued harder in Plt.
I am glad the RC happened, but it should never have been needed. I am glad the Commissioner was clear in her condemnation of all the senior politicians involved and hope that Campbell, Tudge and Morrison pay for their greedy disregard of law and are never mentioned in future without the term 'Robodebt Enabler' being attached to their name.
Sincere thanks and respect to Commissioner Holmes for a job well done and with meticulous care.
@Asher_Wolf, digital activist who helped expose robo-debt scandal
#robodebt #notmydebt #msm #guardianaus #labor
@Gracchus @TheGuardian
Only #MSM I read or trustand have followed from the start here. Factual, genuine balance, accurate insightful, informative.
Congratulations on 10 years #GuardianAus
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences and more importantly freedom from people pointing at you and laughing" - via @firstdogonthemoon on #GuardianAus
‘It will be a disaster’: mayor’s dire warning over developer-led housing outside Sydney - Anne Davies for The Guardian
"Agreement to provide infrastructure ‘at no cost to government’ in Wilton has resulted in muddled roads, blocks sold with no sewerage service – and it’s set to get worse"
More stories here in the #GuardianAus series about the expansion of housing development in the Greater #Sydney area (paving over farmland, sidelining local councils etc)
‘I’ve lost my children to vaping’: the tragic stories behind the soaring rates of youth addiction | Health | The Guardian #GuardianAUS
Map reveals #Australian hotels used for immigration detention, but secrecy means it’s incomplete | Australian immigration and asylum | The Guardian #guardianaus
Not ‘the only gay in the village’: Hay rolls out welcome mat for rainbow community | #LGBTQ+ rights |
The Guardian #guardianaus
Not ‘the only gay in the village’: Hay rolls out welcome mat for rainbow community | #LGBTQ+ rights |
The Guardian #guardianaus
#Tasmanian flower farmer ‘shocked’ to learn she planted opium poppies by mistake | #Tasmania |
#TheGuardian #guardianaus #Australia
#Tasmanian #tasmania #theguardian #guardianaus #australia
‘I was totally gripped with fear’: inquiry examines 40 years of gay hate crimes | #LGBTQ+ rights | #TheGuardian #GuardianAUS
#lgbtq #theguardian #guardianaus
#Privatisation has failed. #Australia needs to ditch the ‘incentives’ rhetoric and simply spend money on things we need | #RichardDenniss
#TheGuardian #GuardianAUS
#privatisation #australia #RichardDenniss #theguardian #guardianaus
#Australia’s living standards are going backwards, and it’s young people who will suffer the most
| #LizAllen | The #Guardian #GuardianAus #GuardianOpinion
#australia #LizAllen #guardian #guardianaus #guardianopinion
Divine #renovation: as churchgoing declines in #Australia, places of worship go on the market | Housing | The Guardian #GuardianAus
#renovation #australia #guardianaus