Left it a while I know but #introduction time. I’m living the dream in Barry, South Wales. 50s, two daughters, two #dogs and a cat. Carefully preserved by my wife Carys for nearly 30 years. #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited. Lived in and loved #Wales for 20+ years. Support #Welshindependence #cymreig even though I am from dartford originally. #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati. Enjoying going slowly bald.#ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth
#introduction #dogs #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited #Wales #Welshindependence #cymreig #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati #ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth
Left it a while I know but #introduction time. I’m living the dream in Barry, South Wales. 50s, two daughters, two #dogs and a cat. Carefully preserved by my wife Carys for nearly 30 years. #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited. Lived in and loved #Wales for 20+ years. Support #Welshindependence #cymreig even though I am from dartford originally. #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati. Enjoying going slowly bald.#ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth
#introduction #dogs #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited #Wales #Welshindependence #cymreig #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati #ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth
Hello Mastodon, this is a confusing app but I hope I will get the hang of it! I am a psychological therapist, author and eating disorder campaigner. I talk lots about mental health, cats, socialism and how much I hate the tories. Nice to meet you all! #mentalhealth #fthetories #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati
#mentalhealth #fthetories #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati