Jeez, reading this you'd think it was the first time something like this had happened. "Jakarta Method", anyone?
#coup #Indonesia #Chile #Brazil #Guatemala #ColdWar #history
#coup #indonesia #chile #brazil #guatemala #coldwar #history
9.Morocco (9/13) Sep 3
Travelers experiencing delays at Oujda Angads Airport are currently confronting an unforeseen obstacle during their prolonged wait: navigating through waterlogged conditions brought about by heavy rainfall in the region.
10.Oman (10/13)
Flooding in #Oman yesterday 👀
11.Guatemala (11/13) Sep 4
Houses collapse due to #flooding।।
Devastating #floods in #SanMiguel Petapa, #Guatemala
12.Mexico (12/13) Sep 1
Several vehicles underwater of flood due to heavy rains on Avenida Colón in Guadalajara, Mexico
13.USA (13/13) Sep 3
Drone view of Burning Man festival
#oman #flooding #floods #sanmiguel #guatemala
Frisch in der Kaffeemühle: Guatemala La Bella - Single Origin von Blend Coffee Roasters aus Graz
voller Körper und schokoladiger Geschmack
#Kaffee #Coffee #SpecialityCoffee #Arabica #SingleOrigin #Guatemala
#kaffee #coffee #specialitycoffee #arabica #singleorigin #guatemala
Oh my, I'd missed that:
"Two behavioral scientists who study honesty accused of using falsified data"
Amazing :masto_lol:
#behavior #behaviouralScience #fraud #data #planetMoney #DanAriely #psychology #FrancescaGino #nudge #HarvardBusinessSchool #honesty #insurance #taxes #guatemala #dmv #DataColada
#behavior #behaviouralscience #fraud #data #planetmoney #danariely #psychology #francescagino #nudge #harvardbusinessschool #honesty #insurance #taxes #guatemala #dmv #datacolada
Guatemala: levantan inhabilitación de Semilla #Guatemala
Guatemala: levantan inhabilitación de Semilla #Guatemala
Claudia González Orellana kämpft gegen die Korruption in #Guatemala. Sie war in einer UN-Antikorruptionsstelle tätig. Um sie zum Schweigen zu bringen, wurde sie nun festgenommen, nachdem ein Richter einen fragwürdigen Haftbefehl gegen sie erlassen hatte. Setz Dich für ihre Freilassung ein! 📩📲
🇬🇹 Guatemala : la justice suspend la disqualification du parti du président élu Arevalo 📰
#revuedepresse #politique #international #guatemala
El progresista Bernardo Arévalo, ganador de las elecciones presidenciales guatemaltecas, denunció “un golpe-de-Estado en curso, en el que el aparato de justicia está siendo usado para violar a la misma justicia, burlando la voluntad popular expresada libremente”. El Tribunal Supremo Electoral había inhabilitado al movimiento «Semilla», de Arévalo, pero luego suspendieron esta restricción.
#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.0 strikes 36 km S of #Champerico (#Guatemala) 20 min ago. More info:
#earthquake #sismo #champerico #guatemala
Il Tribunale supremo elettorale ha revocato la decisione di uno dei funzionari del Tribunale di sospendere #Semilla|Centro-sinistra, il partito del Presidente eletto Bernardo #Arévalo.
Il partito potrà quindi formare il proprio gruppo parlamentare al #Congreso.
#guatemala #semilla #arevalo #congreso
🇬🇹 Guatemala : le parquet nie toute implication dans le projet de 'coup d'Etat' 📰
#RevuedePresse #Politique #International #Guatemala #CoupdEtat #BernardoArevalo #Arevalo
#revuedepresse #politique #international #guatemala #coupdetat #bernardoarevalo #arevalo
In Guatemala entzündet sich nach Arévalos Wahlsieg ein Machtkampf
Bernardo Arévalo mag als neuer Präsident von den Wählern in Guatemala gefeiert werden. Doch ihm steht eine große Herausforderung bevor: Der sogenannte Pakt der Korrupten hat ihm den Kampf angesagt - das Netzwerk ist gefürchtet. Von Anne Demmer.
New Guatemala leader slams 'coup' plan to block him from office
> After a campaign marked by concerns of meddling, Arevalo was on Monday declared the winner of the poll with 58 percent of votes, but the electoral tribunal suspended his Semilla (Seed) Movement.
> "There is a group of corrupt politicians and officials who refuse to accept this result and have launched a plan to break the constitutional order and violate democracy," #elections #Guatemala
L’università orteghista #GustavoClaros #Guatemala #nicaragua #Podcast #Messico #panama
#GustavoClaros #guatemala #nicaragua #podcast #messico #panama
The newly elected progressive president in Guatemala will face a difficult transition in January.
@palabrasdeabajo @hurtadopaola #guatemala #elections #anticorruption
#guatemala #elections #anticorruption
Guatemala erklärt wegen Dengue-Fieber Gesundheitsnotstand
Wegen immer mehr Fällen von Dengue-Fieber hat die Regierung von Guatemala den Gesundheitsnotstand ausgerufen. In den vergangenen Monaten starben 22 Menschen an der Krankheit, seit Jahresbeginn wurden mehr als 12.000 Infektionen registriert.
Health emergency declared in #Guatemala because of #dengue #fever outbreak.
When will that happen in regionally in Europe as well, with #tiger #mosquitoes and autochthonous infections on the rise because of #climatechange? @dlf
#climatechange #mosquitoes #tiger #fever #dengue #guatemala
Guatemala president vows 'orderly' power transition following election
>Guatemala President Alejandro Giammattei said on Tuesday (Aug 29) the path was set for an "orderly and transparent transition" of power following the presidential election, after a new bid to suspend the winning party sowed fresh doubts. #Guatemala #elections
Au #Guatemala, la #droite #corrompue jusqu'à l'os va tout faire pour empêcher le président élu d'accéder sereinement au pouvoir et de mettre en œuvre sa politique d'assainissement