I’m off to an indigenous cultural event called Bunya Dreaming! Looking forward to it but I don’t know exactly what to expect. Bunyas are ancient trees with large edible nuts. Aboriginals have gathered annually for centuries to celebrate bunyas. And now the local Indigenous people - the Gubbi Gubbi / Kabi Kabi - have a day when they invite non-Indigenous folk to join them to celebrate.
Bunya tree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Araucaria_bidwillii
The Gubbi Gubbi people:
#SunshineCoast #GubbiGubbi
Wish I'd thought of lager in a shoe stand before! Celebrating. I'll say more soon.
#beach #celebration #GubbiGubbi Country #QLD #Australia
#beach #celebration #gubbigubbi #qld #australia
Hello! Thank you for connecting with me here. #introduction time
After 12 years on the bird site, I’m loving the engagement here #connectionsmatter
Being a #selfconfessed weirdo and a life long learner I live a curious life!
In the middle of redefining a 36 year old marriage and blessed to have 3 adult children who are kind, caring and empathetic humans, and 5 delightful grandchildren.
I’m colocated between #Larrakia (Darwin) and #GubbiGubbi (Sunshine Coast) Countries. Blessed to work for myself, having lived through burnout twice, and living with #CPTSD #metoo #anxiety I love #neuroscience #traumainformed #therapeutic #somatic #healing practices. I did say I’m a weirdo didn’t I? #introductionpost :ma_animals_kookaburra:
#introduction #connectionsmatter #selfconfessed #larrakia #gubbigubbi #cptsd #metoo #anxiety #neuroscience #traumainformed #therapeutic #somatic #healing #introductionpost