Neal Rauhauser · @nealr
301 followers · 1906 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

Mr. Curious! :mastodon: · @CyberHues
141 followers · 1174 posts · Server

Marcel Lehel Lazar walked out of Federal Correctional Institute Schuylkill, a Pennsylvania prison, in August 2021. The 5 1-year-old formerly known only as had spent over 4 years.

Though his inbox disclosures arguably changed the course of the nation’s recent history, Lazar himself remains an obscure figure.

This month, in a series of phone interviews with The Intercept, Lazar opened up for the first time about his new life and strange legacy.

#hacker #guccifer

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
193 followers · 206 posts · Server

: "When Guccifer — a portmanteau of Lucifer and Gucci, pronounced with the Italian word’s “tch” sound — breached longtime Clinton family confidant Sidney Blumenthal’s email account, it changed the world almost by accident. Buried among the thousands of messages in Blumenthal’s AOL account he stole and leaked in 2013 were emails to, Hillary Clinton’s previously unknown private address. The account’s existence, and later revelations that she had improperly used it to conduct official government business and transmit sensitive intelligence data, led to something like a national panic attack: nonstop political acrimony, federal investigations, and depending on who you ask, Trump’s 2016 victory.

In the end, the way Guccifer might be best remembered was in the cooptation of his wildly catchy name for a Russian hacker persona: Guccifer 2.0. The latter Guccifer would hack troves of information from Democratic National Committee servers, a plunder released on WikiLeaks.

Eventually, a federal indictment accused a cadre of Russian intelligence operatives of using the persona Guccifer 2.0 to conduct a political propaganda campaign and cover for Russian involvement. As the Guccifer 2.0 version grew in infamy, becoming a central figure in Americans’ wrangling over Russian interference in the 2016 election, the namesake hacker’s exploits faded from memory.

When I reached Lazar by phone, he was at home in Romania. He had returned to a family that had grown up and apart from him since he was arrested by Romanian police in 2014."

#usa #hacking #cybersecurity #guccifer

Last updated 2 years ago

Sorry, Not Sorry: Guccifer, the Hacker Who Launched Clinton Email Flap, Speaks Out After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars

by Sam Biddle @theintercept

#hack #clinton #guccifer

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Stewartson :toad: · @jimstewartson
2458 followers · 935 posts · Server

A few years after Snowden, the same cast of characters gathered to steal the 2016 election.

Julian Assange received hacked emails from the GRU ( 2) and published them through . The emails were weaponized by white nationalist trolls through , a PAC disguising a .

MAGA3X was founded at the RNC by Peter Thiel, Mike , Posobiec, Cernovich, Chuck Johnson and others. It was organized like American ISIS.

#guccifer #wikileaks #maga3x #psyop #flynn

Last updated 2 years ago