Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition per PS5 e Gotham Knights per Nintendo Switch classificati a Singapore
#GothamKnights #GuerrillaGames #HorizonForbiddenWest #WBGamesMontral
#GothamKnights #guerrillagames #HorizonForbiddenWest #wbgamesmontral
Volviendo al #HorizonForbiddenWest, sigo sintiendo que el juego es una caja muy grande, pero al fin y al cabo una caja.
Aunque me parece un trabajo tremendo el que se tomó #GuerrillaGames para que todos los diálogos sean con voces y estilo cinemático, lo cual ayuda muchísimo a interesarse por conversaciones que de otro modo pasarían por algo.
[ #PS5 #PS #PlayStation ]
#horizonforbiddenwest #guerrillagames #ps5 #ps #playstation
Sylens was such a wonderfully done character. An actor who could voice act, the writing, the animation, everything. You loved to hate him. Rip Lance Reddick. #HorizonZeroDawn #GuerrillaGames
RT @Guerrilla@twitter.com
In honor of Lance Reddick, we created a memorial to commemorate the profound impact he had on us all.
Thank you, Lance, for everything you brought to the role of Sylens: your gravitas, energy, wisdom and more. An incomparable talent and friend. We miss you terribly.
#guerrillagames #HorizonZeroDawn
#horizonzerodawn #aloy #guerrillagames Last one, I promise. At least for the time being… In the game’s Photo Mode this pose is described as “Naive”… well I don’t know about that but it looks to me like “Desperate” would be a better name. With her knees together and seemingly every muscle tensed it looks for all the world like Aloy is scanning the barren mountaintop in the forlorn hopes of finding a bush she can discretely duck behind for some relief. Those cold winds get me that way too!
#guerrillagames #aloy #horizonzerodawn
Kotaku: 10 Of The Most Visually Stunning PlayStation 4 Games https://kotaku.com/ps4-games-best-graphics-tlou-uncharted-horizon-killzone-1850397207 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #firstpersonshooters #guillermodeltoro #videogamesequels #guerrillagames #ratchet26clank #creativeworks #playstation4 #playstation3 #firsthorizon #jakanddaxter #playstation2 #playstation #hideokojima #nathandrake #videogaming #videogames #naughtydog #delsinrowe #killzone #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #firstpersonshooters #guillermodeltoro #videogamesequels #guerrillagames #ratchet26clank #creativeworks #playstation4 #playstation3 #firsthorizon #jakanddaxter #playstation2 #playstation #hideokojima #nathandrake #videogaming #videogames #NaughtyDog #delsinrowe #killzone #ps3
#GuerrillaGames restructures its leadership - again #Sony https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/guerrilla-games-co-studio-director-promoted-to-playstation-studios-role/ @vgc_news
Kotaku: Horizon Forbidden West Sequel In The Works Alongside Multiplayer Spin-Off https://kotaku.com/horizon-forbidden-west-aloy-sequel-burning-shores-ps5-1850369063 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #openworldvideogames #horizonzerodawn #guerrillagames #firsthorizon #hellaschmidt #videogaming #hermanhulst #angiesmets #videogames #accenture #sony #aloy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #openworldvideogames #horizonzerodawn #guerrillagames #firsthorizon #hellaschmidt #videogaming #hermanhulst #angiesmets #videogames #accenture #sony #aloy
Moc pěkný trailer na nové rozšíření do hry Horizon Forbidden West nazvané Burning Shores náz zavede do Hollywoodu a ještě více využije potenciál konzole Sony PlayStation 5. Mrkněte na trailer.
#HorizonForbiddenWest #GuerrillaGames
#horizonforbiddenwest #guerrillagames
Achtung, Machine Jump⚠️
Game: #HorizonForbbidenWest
Developer: #guerrillagames
#Aloy #machinemonday #BeyondTheHorizon #gamephotography #ps5 #playstation5 #guerrilla #streamer #gamer #twitchtv #twitchde #twitchdeutschland
#HorizonForbbidenWest #guerrillagames #aloy #machinemonday #BeyondTheHorizon #gamephotography #ps5 #playstation5 #guerrilla #streamer #gamer #twitchtv #twitchde #twitchdeutschland
Happy one year #horizonforbiddenwest cosplay by :@alesita_cosplay photos in quintero Valparaíso chile
Photography: @philipejoon
#hzd #hfw #aloychile #aloy #aloycosplay #playstation #guerrillagames #cosplaychile #cosplay
#horizonforbiddenwest #hzd #hfw #aloychile #aloy #aloycosplay #playstation #guerrillagames #cosplaychile #cosplay
Game: #HorizonForbiddenWest
Developer: #guerrillagames
#aloy #aloyfriday #virtualphotography #gamephotography #playstation5 #ps5 #gaming #streaming #rpg #twitch #twitchde #twitchtv #BeyondTheHorizon #twitchdeutschland
#HorizonForbiddenWest #guerrillagames #aloy #aloyfriday #virtualphotography #gamephotography #playstation5 #ps5 #gaming #streaming #rpg #twitch #twitchde #twitchtv #BeyondTheHorizon #twitchdeutschland
Kotaku: PlayStation 5: What To Expect From Sony's Console In 2023 https://kotaku.com/playstation-5-games-2023-vr2-spider-man-2-last-of-us-1850036923 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #playstationproductions #homevideogameconsoles #siesantamonicastudio #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #savagegamestudios #videogameconsoles #playstationplus #saints26sinners #joshuarosfield #cosmomachiainc #guerrillagames #siebendstudio #cliverosfield #playstationvr #mediamolecule #twitter
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #playstationproductions #homevideogameconsoles #siesantamonicastudio #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #savagegamestudios #videogameconsoles #playstationplus #saints26sinners #joshuarosfield #cosmomachiainc #guerrillagames #siebendstudio #cliverosfield #playstationvr #mediamolecule #Twitter
On tonight’s episode of “Girl vs Robotic Wild”…
Girl gets trapped between a bird, an alligator and a hard place…
Also, Girl hates to be called Girl!
The MajorLinux Show New Years 2023 Spectacular (Part 2)
#gaming #guerrillagames #horizonzerodawn
Aloy continues to show us how she can take down machines…including my own PC.
The MajorLinux Show New Years 2023 Spectacular (Part 1)
#GAMING #GuerrillaGames #HorizonZeroDawn #PC #STEAM #STREAMING #TWITCH #YouTube
#gaming #guerrillagames #horizonzerodawn #PC #steam #streaming #twitch #youtube
Day Thirty-One
This is the final photo for my December Horizon Forbidden West NPC portrait series. It may be my personal favourite of the lot. I watched this person work away with mortar and pestle for at least 40 minutes before I found what I was looking for. Well worth it, in my humble opinion.
Hope the coming New Year treats you folks well.
#horizon #forbiddenwest #photography #portrait #aloy #guerrillagames
#guerrillagames #aloy #portrait #photography #ForbiddenWest #horizon
Day Thirty
I will be posting one 8x10 portrait taken using Horizon Forbidden West's Photo Mode every day for the month of December.
#horizon #forbiddenwest #photography #portrait #aloy #guerrillagames
#guerrillagames #aloy #portrait #photography #ForbiddenWest #horizon
Day Twenty-Nine
I will be posting one 8x10 portrait taken using Horizon Forbidden West's Photo Mode every day for the month of December.
#horizon #forbiddenwest #photography #portrait #aloy #guerrillagames
#guerrillagames #aloy #portrait #photography #ForbiddenWest #horizon
Day Twenty-Eight
I will be posting one 8x10 portrait taken using Horizon Forbidden West's Photo Mode every day for the month of December.
#horizon #forbiddenwest #photography #portrait #aloy #guerrillagames
#guerrillagames #aloy #portrait #photography #ForbiddenWest #horizon
Day Twenty-Seven
I will be posting one 8x10 portrait taken using Horizon Forbidden West's Photo Mode every day for the month of December.
#horizon #forbiddenwest #photography #portrait #aloy #guerrillagames
#guerrillagames #aloy #portrait #photography #ForbiddenWest #horizon