Das Pflanzen von Bäumen wird ja oft zum Greenwashing benutzt. Es gibt viel zu beachten, will man es richtig machen. Heute habe ich gelernt, dass es in Brasilien eine traditionelle Aufforstungsmethode namens #Muvuca gibt, die mich an die #Samenbomben des #GuerrillaGardening erinnert:
»Doch die Landschaft, eingebettet in das Cerrado-Biom, hat in den vergangenen Jahren unter massiver Abholzung gelitten. Verursacht vor allem durch Landraub, Rinderweiden und den starken Ausbau von Sojafeldern. Graslandschaften und Savannen wurden degradiert, Wälder verschwanden – und mit ihnen die sichere Wasserverfügbarkeit. Diese Flächen sollen nun wiederhergestellt werden.
Eine Technik, die sich dabei als vielversprechend erwiesen hat, heißt „Muvuca“. Dabei werden die Samen verschiedener heimischer Pflanzen gemischt, das Saatgut dann mit Erde vermischt und von Hand oder mit Hilfe von Traktoren in den vorbereiteten Boden eingebracht.«
Saubohnen gehören in die Mischung.
#til #samenmischung #aufforstung #guerrillagardening #Samenbomben #muvuca
Era il 2021, quando lavoravo per ShippyPro (società fiorentina leader nella gestione digitale delle spedizioni) che decisi di organizzare un #TeamBuilding che avesse un senso più ampio del solo - per quanto importante - spirito di squadra.
Erano tempi di #COVID e #lockdown, che avevano giustamente esercitato limitazioni alla mia attività di #GuerrillaGardening: mi ritrovai un autunno con più di 80 querce (lecci, per la precisione) tirate su da ghiande pisane sul mio balcone di casa.
#Teambuilding #COVID #lockdown #guerrillagardening
Fino ad autunno prossimo non avrò storie di alberi nuovi, per cui beccatevi le storie degli alberi vecchi! 😄
In quel di #Latina, città dove sono cresciuto, già dal 2011/12 ho piantato questa quercia roverella (Quercus pubescens). Donata dal collettivo di #GuerrillaGardening dei Giardinieri Sovversivi Romani e portata dai giardini dell'#Acrobax fino al capoluogo pontino quand'era poco più di 1m, oggi è un albero di tutto rispetto. 🌳
Per fare le proporzioni, io sono alto poco più di 1,90m 😊
#latina #guerrillagardening #acrobax
#gardener #Green #socialist #queer All round good guy.
Late diagnosis #autism led me to have a deep hatred of injustice, but a love of #nature and all things natural
Posts on anything that's on my mind
#Queer = mostly #gay, #poly, #naturist#S&M open and adventurous
Will follow #NSFW accounts, but wont post my own (ask for a dm if you want a #dickpic)
#TransAlly #Gardening #EDM #Yorkshire #London #JustStopOil #GuerrillaGardening #ClimateCrisis #Climate change
Please boost, thanks
#introduction #gardener #green #socialist #queer #autism #nature #gay #poly #naturist #nsfw #dickpic #transally #gardening #edm #yorkshire #london #juststopoil #guerrillagardening #climatecrisis #climate
I haven't kept any of the Memory Seed Bomb paintings. They're not mine, after all; they belong to the memory-holders, not me. So as I work on the installation side of this mail art/guerilla gardening series, I'm painting some new seed bombs to pull it all together. Hence a forget-me-not seed forget-me-not seed bomb. Meta. 😂
You can see the rest of the series here - http://www.kaseysmith.net/memory-seed-bombs
#artistsonmastodon #guerrillagardening #alzheimersawareness
Someone, in a touch of human kindness, has seed bombed one of my guerrilla gardens with nigella seeds.. bless them, who ever they are
#GuerrillaGardening #Gardening #gardens
I wonder if they didn't just do nigella?
#guerrillagardening #gardening #gardens
RT from Cobbs Corner Garden (@cobbscorngarden)
Luckily for us we have had rain this week. If you would like to volunteer to help water the garden over the summer, DM us! @SydenhamSociety @kirkdale_se26 @KirkdaleBooks
#cobbscorner #Sydenham #CobbsCornerGarden #GuerrillaGardening
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/cobbscorngarden/status/1683714913565286401
#cobbscorner #Sydenham #cobbscornergarden #guerrillagardening
Always nice to see the wild flower seeds I sowed in the winter finally come into flower.
#glasgow #wildflower #guerrillagardening #wildflowers #urbannature
#urbannature #wildflowers #guerrillagardening #wildflower #glasgow
Installed a new garden bed at the edge of the woods!
Its near the pandemic patch but in an area that gets more sun so hopefully can grow some different plants.
I've put a bunch of native flowers in the bed in hopes of a few things. Provide tasty treat to pollinators, be able to gather and save seeds, look pretty, provide education and example of native plant gardening.
In the bed is woolly sunflower, yarrow, lupines, large leaf avens, alpine aster, douglas aster, blue eyed grass, pearly everlasting and self heal.
I still need to make little labels of the plant names but haven't decided on the best way to do it yet
#guerrillagarden #guerrillagardening
Has anyone had good results growing passionflowers (Passiflora incarnata) outdoors in northern europe?
This is for an outdoors medicinal guerilla garden type operation.
#GuerrillaGardening #HerbalMedicine #FoodForest #ForestGarden
#guerrillagardening #herbalmedicine #foodforest #forestgarden
Ist doch heute schon angekommen. Jetzt bin ich erstmal wieder versorgt und kann Grau zu Bunt machen. #GuerrillaGardening
#GuerrillaGardening bisher habe ich Kunststoffkapseln (z.B. die aus den Ü-Eiern) genutzt um meine Saat zu transportieren. Die sind aber schlecht für die Umwelt und halten nicht lange. Darin (Bild) kommt meine kunststofffreie Zahnseide. Gasflasche mit Metalldeckel. Dazu den Beutel. Da kommt ab Mittwoch mein Saatgut rein und dann kann ich es an einen der Karabiner an meinem Koppel hängen. Umweltverträglich und jederzeit sofort einsatzbereit.
For something more constructive here are some helpful links
https://www.govegan.org.uk/ #govegan #vegan
https://thewaroncars.org/ #waroncars #podcast
https://utopia.org/guide/guerrilla-gardening/ #guerrillagardening
#govegan #vegan #waroncars #podcast #guerrillagardening
@pepsy ma secondo te, quale potrebbe essere uno spot a #Pisa - magari sulle tue rotte - dove ci starebbe proprio bene un albero? Devo liberarmi ancora di qualche esemplare prima che inizi la stagione! :boost_ok: 🌱 #guerrillaGardening
Le prime sughere di quest'anno. :blobaww: 🌳🌳
Sarà una stagione piena di #alberi. #guerrillaGardening
@Brightdave @SrRochardBunson I drop seeds in the fall and grow lots of herbs. I think that in a few months it will be time to dump chard seeds into a few local areas that have homeless populations most of the year! #guerrillagardening #urbangardening #urbanhardening
#guerrillagardening #urbangardening #urbanhardening
Hehe :blobcataww: , thank you but it only works if ya'll participate.
That's awesome, and yes herbs are GREAT to have on hand. They can grow in pots that you can move in and outside as needed and many keep growing as long as you don't harvest it all. I've got this chocolate mint in my backyard that I planted 10 years ago that keeps coming back!
It's a runner, but I don't care because the rabbits prevent me from using that area for vegetables. I have to do all pots and raised bed on my deck for them to have any chance.
The cool thing about planting for the #pollinators, even if it's seed bombing #GuerrillaGardening on unused, unkempt public property, is that it helps your local farmers and gardeners be more productive out of the same cost and effort. If enough people did it of course.
That's why sharing the word of #JohnMastodon and his Helping Friendly Book, the Tao Te John #TTJ and his quest of #Community #Resilience is of utmost importance😉
#wearejohnmastodon #pollinators #guerrillagardening #johnmastodon #ttj #community #resilience
It's heartbreaking if i think about all of it too much, but I'm attempting to utilize the Fediverse to organize and network in case the resistance becomes more literal than figurative.
I'm encouraging community Resilience efforts, which include #GuerrillaGardening, focusing on #pollinators, alt forms of communication such as
(#SelfHost #fediverse instances, awareness of mass campaigns such aswheat paste posters, #HAMRadio, #morsecode). #Sneakernet #Wifi #adhoc
I think that we should focus on a more local and distributed food supply & coop network. Even if the fascists don't take over completely, it will help to mitigate suffering from climate change. Focusing on seed bombing, especially #Milkweed to help the #endangered #MonarchButterflies, and other pollinators. This includes nectar producing wildflowers. This is all part of a move towards #sustainability & #permaculture
#guerrillagardening #pollinators #selfhost #Fediverse #hamradio #morsecode #sneakernet #wifi #adhoc #milkweed #endangered #monarchbutterflies #sustainability #permaculture #theresistancewillbefederated #wearejohnmastodon #ttj
Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do (plus you get strawberries) - Ron Finley quote from his TED talk. #GuerrillaGardening #CommunityGardening #CommunityGarden #CommunityIsStrength #MutualAid #GrowingTogether
#guerrillagardening #communitygardening #communitygarden #communityisstrength #mutualaid #growingtogether