Vancouver Things: Back to School with Covenant House Vancouver - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #non-profit #guestpost #vancouver #charity #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #non #guestpost #charity #BC
Kneesy Does It – Guest Post
Following on from puddins_submissive_pooh guest post last week....
I may need more help getting up from Sir when in positions like this (it's all in the front luckily) but I am still the same person trying to serve him the best I can because I am always craving the words "good girl."
P is for Pregnancy and pillow – Guest Post
I have never felt more sexy than during this pregnancy as my curves grow in all the right areas. My Sir looks at me with even more desire than he already did and I in return feel horny all the time desiring him for giving me the child growing inside of me. Hormones and confidence surge through me embracing all
#guestpost #puddins_submissive_pooh
The Romcom Experiment – a #GuestPost from Cassandra O’Leary #author of Dating Little Miss Perfect | @rararesources @cass_oleary
I'm delighted to be joined by Cassandra O'Leary today who has written a brilliant guest post about romcom novels featuring women in the science and technology industries. Dr Eden, the main character in her novel Dating Little Miss Perfect, is a scientist so she knows what she is talking about. Read on to find out about how she came up with the…
Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 644
Welcome to Round-up 644. The prompt for September is out now so check out what that is HERE.
This week I am delighted to welcome Sinful Sunday fan, JS, to the round-up. You can find him on Twitter @juliendonkeybot
From now on, I am going to change these links to be Mastodon if people have one, otherwise I will keep i
Vancouver Things: Food for Thought – Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Youth at Covenant House - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non-profit #community #guestpost #charity #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non #community #guestpost #charity #BC
Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 641
Welcome to round-up 641. As always a reminder that next Sunday is August which means it is prompt weekend.
This week I am excited to welcome Kristina to the round-up for the very first time. You can find her on Mastodon @mud_kri and Twitter @mudkri and also her own blog Gingerly
Kristina's Top 5 Pics of
#mudkri #weeklyroundup #guestpost
Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 640
Welcome to round-up 640. As usual a little reminder about the upcoming prompt before we crack on with this weeks selections.
I am very happy to welcome my good friend Kayla Lords back to the round-up space this week. You can find her selling beautiful hitty things on The Kinkery and also on Twitter @KaylaLor
#kaylalords #weeklyroundup #guestpost
Future tech – xMEMS: When speakers are forged in silicon
Forget what you know about coil-and-magnet speakers. New solid-state devices deliver better, clearer listening experiences. xMEMS.
#audio #xmems #technews #editorial #guestpost
#audio #xmems #technews #editorial #guestpost
Vancouver Things: Covenant House Vancouver Harm Reduction Foundations - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non-profit #guestpost #vancouver #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non #guestpost #BC
#GuestPost: Locations in The Resistance Girl series by #author Dianne Haley | A Light To Guide Us Home |
Guest Post: Larimar: Gem of the Sea by Christine E. Schulze ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #YoungAdult
#ChristineESchulze #GuestPost #TheAmielianLegends #BookTour #GuestPost #PumpUpYourBook #Spotlight #YoungAdult
#Spotlight #pumpupyourbook #theamielianlegends #guestpost #christineeschulze #youngadult #Excerpt #BookTour
Vancouver Things: Happy Pride Month from Covenant House Vancouver - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #2SLGBTQAI+ #CHVCatchUp #non-profit #guestpost #vancouver #charity #pride #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #2slgbtqai #CHVCatchUp #non #guestpost #charity #pride #BC
Guest Post: Fungi Foul Play (Backyard Farming Mystery) by Vikki Walton ~ #BookTour #Giveaway
#BackyardFarmingMystery #GuestPost #VikkiWalton #BookTour #GreatEscapes #GuestPost #Spotlight
#Spotlight #greatescapes #vikkiwalton #guestpost #backyardfarmingmystery #giveaway #BookTour
Revolutionizing EdTech: Product-led growth in the education industry
Though EdTech is still in its infancy, it’s growing continuously and has the potential for even more growth.
#guestpost #technews #edtech #technology
#guestpost #technews #edtech #Technology
Vancouver Things: Supporting the Mental Health of Youth in the Community - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #mentalhealth #non-profit #community #guestpost #vancouver #charity #youth #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #mentalhealth #non #community #guestpost #charity #youth #BC
I #backlink sono essenziali per la crescita di qualsiasi sito web. Molte agenzie mettono in pratica una strategia #SEO professionale basata sui #guestpost, verificando prima i competitor dei concorrenti; Ecco una #guida per studiare una campagna backlink.
#backlink #seo #guestpost #guida
Vancouver Things: What’s Cooking at Covenant House? - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non-profit #community #guestpost #vancouver #charity #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #FeaturedPost #CHVCatchUp #non #community #guestpost #charity #BC
Guest Post: 10 Fun Facts about Tandie Harrison from Hacienda Moon ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #Giveaway
#GuestPost #KaSonndraLeigh #PathSeekers #BookTour #Giveaway #GoddessFishPromotions #GuestPost #Spotlight
#Spotlight #goddessfishpromotions #pathseekers #kasonndraleigh #guestpost #giveaway #Excerpt #BookTour
Vancouver Things: How Covenant House Vancouver Is Helping Trafficked Youth - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #CovenantHouse #CHVCatchUp #non-profit #guestpost #vancouver #charity #news #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #CovenantHouse #CHVCatchUp #non #guestpost #charity #news #BC