Final thoughts on my rewatch of

1. Yeoul is really an idiot. Who takes a bullet instead of letting the self-healing immortal Demi-god?
2. It’s weird that all the people he’s found are not even secondary characters. Not a single actual secondary character shows up
3. It’s really unfair that while daddy Park’s reputation is restored and (I assume) Taeso gets Century House back, Cheonju is stuck where she is because once you’re a giseng, you’re a giseng forever
4. What se…

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

That Century House maid saw it was an emergency situation but she still took the time to take off her uniform and change into street clothes before going to see Madam Cheon… *sad trombone*

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

Sohwa and Wolyeong’s story is just the saddest thing, it’s so unfair 😭

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

A fucking Spider Man reference? Really???????

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

I want to smash his hateful smug face to smithereens

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

How come Taeso still dresses as a yangban, up to and including the gat? He’s just a slave now, and sumptuary laws a a Big Thing inJoseon. Someone who liked him *might* have let him dress as he prefers when no one’s around but Jo Gwangyeon doesn’t like him at all. He’d be more likely to punish him and leave him running around in his tighty whities.

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

Once again, Jo Seong-ha’s whole acting schtick is sighing

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

That weird dragon/spear statue keeps popping up in various series. I guess they’re thinking welp, we paid to have it made, may as well get our money’s worth out of it!

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago

I never understood why it’s Lord Park who found the baby and agreed to raise him as his own but it’s the servant’s name Kangchi ends up bearing. The heck? #KDrama


Last updated 2 years ago

What’s nice about is it’s one of those rare historical dramas that doesn’t revolve around court and the royal family. Not that I hate those (I definitely don’t!) but it’s always a refreshing change. After all, ordinary people too have stories…

#gufamilybook #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago