Happy #tongueouttuesday eberybody 🐶🩵🌼🌿🐩 Hope you enjoy this tongue lashking 🐕🌴🔅
Please dig deep & bone-ate to #PawGust for the #GuideDog puppies & their trainers 🦴🦮😍
Thank you pals 🥰🙏🩵🐶 Luv Rocky 💙🌷
#dogsoffediverse #dogsofmastodon #dogwalk #sniffari #guidedog #pawgust #tongueouttuesday
Hi pals, Going on my #sniffari today was fun! Don’t pawget to throw in a bone-ation for #PawGust to #fetch!
All #bone-ations go toward training #GuideDog puppies 🦮
Thanks for the #suppawt. There’s time to bone-ate here!
#dogsofmastodon #dogsoffediverse #dogs
#dogs #dogsoffediverse #dogsofmastodon #suppawt #guidedog #bone #fetch #pawgust #sniffari
🕟Z At the top of the hour the 2nd repeat of our half hour monthly feature. this week it's Spotlight on Assistance Dogs Presented by Devon from Canada. Join Devon for a busy half-hour of articles, interviews and music about assistance dogs. https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #audio #TGVRadio #servicedog #GuideDog #servicedogintraining #dog #workingdog #assistancedog #dogs 🗣💬📰🎶🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮 ⠺⠕⠕⠋⠀⠺⠕⠕⠋⠖🔁
#Dogs #assistancedog #workingdog #Dog #servicedogintraining #guidedog #servicedog #tgvradio #Audio
🕡Z At the top of the hour the first repeat of our half hour monthly feature. this week it's Spotlight on Assistance Dogs Presented by Devon from Canada. Join Devon for a busy half-hour of articles, interviews and music about assistance dogs. https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #audio #TGVRadio #servicedog #GuideDog #servicedogintraining #dog #workingdog #assistancedog #dogs 🗣💬📰🎶🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮 ⠺⠕⠕⠋⠀⠺⠕⠕⠋⠖🔁
#Dogs #assistancedog #workingdog #Dog #servicedogintraining #guidedog #servicedog #tgvradio #Audio
🕠Z At the top of the hour our half hour monthly feature. It's the 3rd Friday of the month, so this week it's Spotlight on Assistance Dogs Presented by Devon from Canada. Join Devon for a busy half-hour of articles, interviews and music about assistance dogs. https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #audio #TGVRadio #servicedog #GuideDog #servicedogintraining #dog #workingdog #assistancedog #dogs 🗣💬📰🎶🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮🐕🦺🦮 ⠺⠕⠕⠋⠀⠺⠕⠕⠋⠖
#Dogs #assistancedog #workingdog #Dog #servicedogintraining #guidedog #servicedog #tgvradio #Audio
I really enjoyed this article by VBC journalist Ian Hamilton, reminiscing about 40 years of working with a guide dog - “The Guide Dog Association for the Blind was incredibly secretive back then, resembling something akin to MI5.
We weren't told anything about the dog's breed, name, or sex at the beginning… I sat there, silently praying that they wouldn't give me a dog with a stupid name. After what felt like an eternity, I was told I'd be getting a crossbreed Labrador Retriever bitch called Ursula.
I slumped in my seat, dejected, wondering why they would give a 20-year-old lad from deepest, darkest Lanarkshire a dog with a name like that.”
#blind #GuideDog #disabled
@HMinchin "Guide dogs in medieval art & writing": thanks for the link! Here's another image, from the #MacclesfieldPsalter made in #EastAnglia c.1330s.
#GuideDog #pilgrim #MedievalArt #14thCentury #manuscript #FitzwilliamMuseum #medieval #medievodons @medievodons @histodons
#macclesfieldpsalter #eastanglia #guidedog #pilgrim #medievalart #14thcentury #manuscript #fitzwilliammuseum #medieval #medievodons
A little fluffy puppy cuteness for this pawfect Friday. She wishes everyone a very happy weekend.
My photography probably sucks, my image description is as good as I know how to make it, so anyone feel free to elaborate.
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon #labrador #goldenretriever #guidedog
Global News BC: ‘Quite devastated’: Blind B.C. woman says she was kicked off the bus due to guide dog https://globalnews.ca/news/9803003/blind-transit-rider-kicked-off-bus-guide-dog/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Blindwomankickedoffbus #GuideDogregulations #BCtransitguidedogs #Guidedogsonbuses #GuideDogonbuses #Nanaimobuses #Ridingthebus #BCTransit #GuideDog #Health #Blind
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #blindwomankickedoffbus #guidedogregulations #bctransitguidedogs #guidedogsonbuses #guidedogonbuses #nanaimobuses #ridingthebus #BCTransit #guidedog #health #blind
Does anyone know of the procedure for bringing a guide dog from Canada into the U.S? Is it the same no matter what airline you use? I'm also doing some Google research on this, and I may call GDB, but if anyone has done it personally and has advice I'd love to hear from you. #GuideDog #Blind #Travel #Accessibility
#guidedog #blind #travel #accessibility
OK dog people, I’m looking for boots for my dog to wear as we explore beaches and lava flows in Hawaii. The #Ruffwear boots are great but don’t stay on his feet well. I need something that fastens higher up on the leg. Go! #DogBoots #ServiceDog #GuideDog #DogGear
#ruffwear #dogboots #servicedog #guidedog #doggear
Number 75 of 150
And here's the blind man with a guide dog I promised you.
Source: https://karenbjones.com/2023/05/21/number-75-of-150/
#artsample #blind #cartoon #childrensillustration #color #commission #digitalart #disabled #drawing #elder #elderly #goldenretriever #guidedog #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #LearningAZ #lowvision #man #oldman #serviceanimal #southasian #visibledisability #visualimpairment #walking
#artsample #blind #cartoon #childrensillustration #color #commission #digitalart #disabled #drawing #elder #elderly #goldenretriever #guidedog #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #learningaz #lowvision #man #oldman #serviceanimal #southasian #visibledisability #visualimpairment #walking
This is a message specially for blind traveller folks. I'll be in London next 16th and 17th, and I will have free time on the 16th. Any accessible recomendation to do there that day for me and my guide dog would be much apreciated.
#BlindTraveller #InclusiveTourism #London #GuideDog #SixsenseTravel #BlindYoutuber #TRavel
#blindtraveller #inclusivetourism #london #guidedog #sixsensetravel #blindyoutuber #travel
#HoroscopesForTheCanineProfessional Ares
This week you will need to mind your tail and associated regions. No. Don’t ask. You won’t like the answer.
#GuideDog #SeeingEyeDog #DogsOfMastodon #Blind
#horoscopesforthecanineprofessional #guidedog #seeingeyedog #dogsofmastodon #blind
Heading to Brookfield, CT soon to present to the Brookfield Lions Club members. I hope it is a well attended meeting. I'm excited to present and the best part about it is I'll be joined by one of our in-for-training German Shepherds and his or her trainer. #GuideDog #lionsclub #bekind
🐶 https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/raise-guide-dog-puppy-sean-dilley-video
#guidedog #puppy #video #Dogs #animals #guidedogs #blind #volunteering
A couple of months ago, my guide dog Iggy, who I'd had for 7 years, sadly passed away after a short illness. Myself and my family are now looking to raise £10,000 to name a guide dog puppy Iggy in her memory. Iggy changed my life in more ways than I can describe, and I now want to give something back to this amazing charity and give someone else the chance to have their own life-changing Iggy. I know times are tough for many at the moment, but any donations, or even just sharing this post, is hugely appreciated. You can find more details about us and what exactly we're doing to fundraise on our JustGiving page at https://justgiving.com/page/callum-iggy #GuideDog #Charity #Fundraising #LifeChanging
#guidedog #charity #fundraising #lifechanging
Blind Ryan1 needs help with a guidedog operation to remove a lump, it is very important and he is looking for money to fund the operation.
For more details, please look at his YouTube video below and consider donating.
Please note that I do not know Ryan personally.
Boosting would also be very helpful.
I wish Ryan all the best and his guidedog a speedy recovery.
#donate #guidedog