One more example (there are literally HUNDREDS of them!). The right click context menu now hides the "classic" stuff under a choice called "Show more options". Isn't it fantastic that any customizations that other programs make to the right click menu are now hidden away? 7-Zip puts some very useful shortcuts in there - now an extra click away.

It drove me nuts every time I had to click it. What a waste of time!

#windows11sucks #trainwreck #guidisaster #win11fail #baddesign #garbage

Last updated 1 year ago

Case in point: they move the taskbar buttons into the middle to emulate macOS, and then they put the Widget button over to the left. Since 1995, Microsoft has been training us to click in the bottom left to get to the menu - now suddenly that muscle memory takes you into the weather. WIDGETS? What is this? VISTA? Kinda smells like Vista. Do better Microsoft!

#windows11sucks #trainwreck #guidisaster #win11fail #baddesign #garbage

Last updated 1 year ago