Private Life, 4th volume in the Complete Guido Crepax series focuses on Valentina’s emotional life so there’s less of the outrageousness, bizarre inventiveness and stylistic flamboyance but with some trippy dream sequences and some weirdness.
My review:
#comics #europeancomics #guidocrepax
> #Valentina Rosselli is a character created by the pencil of Guido #Crepax (1933-2003) and inspired by silent film actress #LouiseBrooks who starred in Georg Wilhelm Pabst's "Lulu, Pandora's Box" in 1928.
Valentina, Il sogno erotico di Crepax
(the text is in Italian, but it translates beautifully with '')
#valentina #crepax #louisebrooks #comics #guidocrepax #erotic #sadomasochism
> #Valentina Rosselli is a character created by the pencil of Guido #Crepax (1933-2003) and inspired by silent film actress #louisebrooks who starred in Georg Wilhelm Pabst's "Lulu, Pandora's Box" in 1928.
Valentina, Il sogno erotico di Crepax
(the text is in Italian, but it translates beautifully with '')
#valentina #crepax #louisebrooks #comics #guidocrepax #erotic #sadomasochism
#GuidoCrepax, EMMANUELLE
#comics #smut #italy
#guidocrepax #comics #smut #italy
The Guido Crepax comic that really blew me away in 2022 was his superb 1920s-set surreal and erotic adaptation of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw.
As with his adaptation of Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Crepax takes erotic elements that are only hinted at in the original story and pus the spotlight on them.
It's included in the Complete Crepax volume Evil Spells.
My review:
#GuidoCrepax #comics #europeancomics #HenryJames #ghoststories
#guidocrepax #comics #europeancomics #henryjames #GhostStories
One of my 2022 highlights was discovering Guido Crepax's comics. Strange, surreal, erotic. I love his literary adaptations.
His Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde adds new emphases to the story. Erotic twists that were only barely hunted at in Stevenson's story are brought to the fore, and in a way that makes sense and doesn't do violence to the original novel.
I'm hooked on European comics.
#GuidoCrepax #comics #RobertLouisStevenson #DrJekyll #DrJekyllandMrHyde
#guidocrepax #comics #RobertLouisStevenson #drjekyll #drjekyllandmrhyde