Happy Masturbation Month!
Please consider participating in my ongoing survey “Do you masturbate guilt and shame free?”:
#masturbation #masturbationsurvey #masturbationpoll #survey #poll #masturbationmonth #guiltfree #shamefree #nsfw
#masturbation #masturbationsurvey #masturbationpoll #survey #poll #masturbationmonth #guiltfree #shamefree #nsfw
@mongoose @DiscworldMonthly & here I thought they'd be for sugar lovers who want to feel better about themselves as they put more & more sugar in their drink... they'd start with sugar #4 & feel bad, then feel better as they moved down through sugar #3 & sugar #2 before congratulating themselves for only putting #1 sugar in their drink, innocently going on with their day!
#Sugar #GuiltFree #ItsTheSugarCountdown #NotTheSwedishRockGroupEurope #WeHaveLiftoff #SugarIllusion #WhereIsPacketZero
#sugar #guiltfree #itsthesugarcountdown #nottheswedishrockgroupeurope #wehaveliftoff #sugarillusion #whereispacketzero
My fav quote of the night might be, "Let's not mess around. I've seen Judd kill a whole party with a dragon before..."
Do I have a t-shirt called Guilt-Free TPK?
Does 100% of the artist's proceeds go to the Bail Project?
Also yes.
#TTRPG #TPK #TotalPartyKill #GuiltFree #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #IndieRPG
#ttrpg #tpk #totalpartykill #guiltfree #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #indierpg
1st: “#guiltfree” (fuck food guilt, that concept needs to die already), dairy free, organic #chocolate hazelnuts with coconut sugar.
Chocolate has that whitewash look of ‘too old’ all over it… doesn’t bode well.
Taste: chocolate too sour for my taste (also known as ‘fruity’ by people who like sour chocolate/coffee etc.); hazelnuts are a Russian roulette between “hmmm but dusty” and “jfc this nut is rank”
The US also desperately needs #preferetialVoting (aka #rankChoice voting).
For more info, #JimmyDore did a good video on the topic a year or so ago.
If you don't get #Bernie, you can then vote for a #thirdParty candidate - completely #guiltfree!
#preferetialVoting #rankChoice #jimmydore #bernie #thirdParty #guiltfree