@PENamerica RT by @StephenMcDonell: Even before the NSL, HK booksellers involved with producing books critical of the govt were targeted. In 2015, 5 booksellers disappeared, only to emerge later in mainland China. #GuiMinhai is still serving a 10-year sentence on trumped-up charges. (5/5) https://pen.org/advocacy-case/gui-minhai/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/PENamerica/status/1638257252871073798#m
With the #incarceration of #GuiMinhai, a political prisoner of #despicableXi, for 10 years #China insists on hurting the feelings of #HongKong's people. This will not end well for #Beijing, I'm afraid. #humanrights #civicrights
#incarceration #guiminhai #despicablexi #china #hongkong #beijing #humanrights #civicrights
Free #GuiMinhai - selling books is not a crime. Abduction and unlawful detention are crimes against #humanrights, however. And Gui Minhai was abducted from #HongKong, in what was a blatant breach of the #1country2systems framework by #China.
#guiminhai #humanrights #hongkong #1country2systems #china
#Huawei ist so unabhängig vom Staat, dass ein ehemaliger Angestellter von chinesischen Polizisten in Zivil in #Thailand verhaftet und zwecks Inhaftierung nach #China überstellt wurde. Das starke Engagement staatlicher Stellen zeigt mir: #Huawei ist Chefsache für #XiJinping, und Thailand ist KEIN sicherer Ort für Kritiker von #Peking. Letzteres wussten wir schon seit der Entführung des #HongKong|er Buchhändlers #GuiMinhai. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/asien-und-ozeanien/wenn-chinas-polizei-fuer-huawei-ausrueckt/story/15149446
#huawei #thailand #china #xijinping #peking #hongkong #guiminhai