A few more #cocktails I've had since the above (or forgot to list before), with my personal ratings
⭐ Baby Guinness
⭐ Black Russian
⭐ Corpse Reviver 2
⭐ Margarita
⭐ Rocket Fuel
✅ John Collins
✅ Woo Woo
✅ Basil Smash
✅ Brave Bull
The Baby #Guinness (#Kahlua with #Baileys carefully poured on top) was not just good, it's also adorable
#cocktails #guinness #kahlua #baileys
Last night we joined other excited "Moon Nerds" on the shore of Lake Michigan to watch the rising of the 2nd full moon of August. It rose remarkably fast! After, we went to our favorite pub restaurant & celebrated with pints of Guinness & some noshing goodness (Reuben rolls & carrot cake). A lovely evening!
#celebration #guinness #supermoon #fullmoon
@kleinertod Das steht noch auf meiner To-Do Liste. 😉 Und das #Guinness habe ich auch nicht im Pub sondern in einem Restaurant getrunken. War komisch aber da ich es gerne trinke, Augen zu und durch. Schönen Abend noch und lasst es euch weiter schmecken.
Und wieder zu Hause. Der #CSDHamburg war der Hammer! So viel Spaß gehabt, jede Menge Leute getroffen und neue Leute kennengelernt. Einfach toll! 🥰
Jetzt gönne ich mir noch ein #Guinness im #BroderickElmshorn und dann lese ich #DerErbeVonTannfels weiter.
#csdhamburg #guinness #broderickelmshorn #dererbevontannfels
Un #sabato sera da...
#adoroilgenio #30luglio #birra #stout #beer #scimmie #animali #pets #pub #sera #primati #guinness #mygoodnessmyguinness #guinnessdeiprimati #record #scimmia #drink #drinks
#sabato #adoroilgenio #30luglio #birra #Stout #beer #scimmie #animali #pets #pub #sera #primati #guinness #mygoodnessmyguinness #guinnessdeiprimati #record #scimmia #drink #drinks
Delirious? is my favourite band of all time, and I'm currently watching Archive:D. This without a doubt is my favourite live music DVD of all time. Delirious? & Guinness, what better way to spend a Saturday night....
#delirious #music #dvd #guinness #saturdaynight