Another mini #GuitarLesson. A little device I learned from #SteveKimock back when we were teenagers.
#mastomusic #GuitarTechnique #GuildStarfire
#guitarlesson #stevekimock #mastomusic #guitartechnique #guildstarfire
Another mini #GuitarLesson. Using visual shapes or patterns as a device. First saw the general idea in #GuitarPlayer magazine. What I'm showing here is a variation on it that Kimock taught me when we were kids.
#mastomusic #GuitarTechnique #guitar
#guitarlesson #guitarplayer #mastomusic #guitartechnique #guitar
Another mini #GuitarLesson. A simple idea called enclosure.
#guitarlesson #mastomusic #guitar #guitartechnique #improvisation
Another little #guitarlesson. This time showing how to #SweepPick. Using my trusty 1966 #Guild #Starfire.
#guitarlesson #sweeppick #guild #starfire #mastomusic #guitar #guitartechnique
Little #guitar lesson on using just fragments of chords rather than full “Mel Bay” chords. Advanced guitarists choose when to use fragments versus full chords based on the arrangement. Fragments are also very useful for playing chord melody. Here’s a little demo of how #LennyBreau used them.
#guitar #lennybreau #mastomusic #guitartechnique #blues
I feel like this kind of hyper disco funk riffing was a thing that came and went unnoticed but it's still kind of exciting #Underrated #GuitarTechnique
too many microslides to even count, so deliberately expressive! #Underrated #GuitarTechnique
This is what an immaculate pick slide looks like at 1:02 and 2:04 #Underrated #GuitarTechnique
I just noticed this guy performs vibrato by pulling down in time with the rhythm where possible instead of always pushing up and I thought I was the only person who really did that consistently because I can't find many examples #Underrated #GuitarTechnique
How to target chord tones with string bends and make your solos sing
Ring the changes with Andy Timmons’ masterclass in expressive string bending
#guitarworld #guitar #guitartechnique #gitarlesson #themetaldogarticlelist
Morning exercise -
Ebm arpeggios all over the neck in groupings of five notes each, playing eighth notes at a stately 60 bpm. Take a break, then increase the tempo by 12 bpm. Repeat until it is impossible.
#guitar #guitartechnique #arpeggios #music