Logging suspension in Newry State Forest extended in Land and Environment Court
#NSW #NSWLogging #GumbaynggirrLand #NewryStateForest
#nsw #nswlogging #gumbaynggirrland #newrystateforest
Native forest logging in court
Support Gymbaynggirr elders in court fighting logging in Newry SF. The Gymbaynggirr elders who are fighting logging of sacred mens space in Newry State Forests at mid north coast.
#NewryStateForest #GumbaynggirrLand #StopLogging #NSW #Sydney
#newrystateforest #gumbaynggirrland #stoplogging #nsw #sydney
Stop #Logging the Great #Koala National Park
Friends of Pine Creek,
A group of citizens committed to protecting the natural and cultural values of #PineCreek #StateForest on the #MidNorthCoast of NSW, Australia
#PineCreek #BongilBongilNationalPark #CoffsHarbour #GKNP #BindarriNationalPark #GumbaynggirrLand #ClimateAction
#logging #koala #pinecreek #stateforest #midnorthcoast #bongilbongilnationalpark #coffsharbour #gknp #bindarrinationalpark #gumbaynggirrland #climateaction