Check out this take-out visit by @elainetravels to Willie Mae's in Venice, Ca. She's visited the original Willie Mae's in New Orleans before so this provides an interesting contrast between the two. #Willie #Maes #Gumbo #Salad #WingsWithRedBeans #FriedChicken
#willie #maes #gumbo #salad #wingswithredbeans #friedchicken
Gumbo is my love language. But y’all knew that already. #gumbo #NewOrleans #NOLA #louisiana #acadian #noladon
#gumbo #NewOrleans #nola #louisiana #acadian #noladon
Shrimp gumbo with okra topped with Basamati rice. #shrimp #shrimpgumbo #gumbo #basamatirice #food
#shrimp #shrimpgumbo #gumbo #basamatirice #food
#showerthoughts they should remake #Dumbo but with #newOrleans theme and call it #Gumbo
#showerthoughts #dumbo #neworleans #gumbo
I only spent 9 months in Louisiana. I never made it down to NOLA. But there's still a little LA in my blood. "Laissez les bons temps rouler!" Enjoy your Shrove Tuesday Safely. Unless you're a Crawdad cause you just need to get in ma belly! #FatTuesday #NOLA #Gumbo #Chicago #Shreveport #Andoille #ScratchCookingRocks
#fattuesday #nola #gumbo #chicago #shreveport #andoille #scratchcookingrocks
From escaping child labor on a farm via an egg truck, to an emotional reunion with her mother, to meeting the love of her life while working at a dance hall, Queenie Bobo's story reads like a fairy tale. Gil Michaels tells the story of this remarkable woman who made a home in Alameda—and shares her gumbo recipe.
#Gumbo #Recipe #Zydeco #Alameda #Dancing #MardiGras #BensonKellner #ShorelineDrive #ZoeyQueenieBobo
#gumbo #recipe #zydeco #alameda #dancing #MardiGras #bensonkellner #shorelinedrive #zoeyqueeniebobo
#Gumbo's long journey from West #Africa
#gumbo #roux #billyandtheboingers #BerkeleyBreathed #bloomcounty
#BerkeleyBreathed #roux #billyandtheboingers #gumbo #bloomcounty
It's the weekend before Mardi Gras. Not going to a parade. Not getting into a costume. Not going to a party. But I am making a big pot of gumbo... and drinking a beer (or two). Some friends and family will be joining in... #today #mardigras #gumbo
I’m honored every time I get the chance to make this for my family! Gumbo is more than food to me. It’s an energy, a memory, a time and place, right of passage, a badge of honor, a connection, a story!
I’m officially regenerated and ready to get back to it.
#ILoveYouGrandma #FamilyDinner #Gumbo #Filé #CreoleCooking #WeCook #WeEat #Yum #ExplorePage #CreoleHeritage #Crab #Andouille #Shrimp #Okra #Chicken #Creole #FoodIsLife #MastodonChefs #BlackMastodon
#iloveyougrandma #familydinner #gumbo #file #creolecooking #wecook #weeat #yum #explorepage #creoleheritage #crab #andouille #shrimp #okra #chicken #creole #foodislife #MastodonChefs #BlackMastodon
📸 Michelle Kilfeather
#gumbo #citycollegeSF #Delfina #PizzeriaDelfina #CraigStoll #AnnieStoll #chefs #cooks #culinary #GumboSocial #BIPOC #BlackHistoryMonth #ThirdStreetSF #BayviewSF #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#gumbo #citycollegesf #delfina #pizzeriadelfina #craigstoll #anniestoll #chefs #cooks #culinary #gumbosocial #bipoc #blackhistorymonth #thirdstreetsf #bayviewsf #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
#gumbo #ThirdStreetSF #Bayview #SunsetMercantile #GumboSocial #DontayeBall #BIPOC #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #entrepreneurs #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#gumbo #thirdstreetsf #bayview #sunsetmercantile #gumbosocial #dontayeball #bipoc #blm #blacklivesmatter #entrepreneurs #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Ep. 10 [[[GUMBO SOCIAL]]] drops in the a.m.
Good time to make sure you're subscribed (and rate our show if possible) so you never, ever, ever miss a new episode.
You're welcome.
#podcasts #sanfrancisco #gumbo
Fam be around whether you paid or bummy
You could either ignore this advice, or take it from me
Be too nice and people take you for a dummy #MFDOOM #nowplaying #gumbo #mmfood
#MFDOOM #nowplaying #gumbo #mmfood