@danwentzel all #GunBan|s achieve is making #LawAbidingCitizens vulnerable to #facists - regardless if state-endorsed or non-state actors...
#facists #lawabidingcitizens #gunban
“Are these gay enough to ban?” by @coriemattie@instagram.com
#BanGuns #GunBan #GunControl #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #StreetArt #Graffiti #Art
#art #graffiti #streetart #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #guncontrol #gunban #banguns
They're going after your #guns #ATF #gunban
@vfrmedia @chris @Crispius @ProPublica
You can't fix a problem is you only choose to go after Symptoms.
And since we live in a Post-#Luty & Post-#FGC9 - era, enforcement of any #GunBan is basically impossible and people do follow the law out of principle [like myself] or naive conviction that it's good [like some others], not because it's hard or expensive to violate it and the chance of getting caught is near-zero.
A #GunBan?
Oh puhlease. Everyone thinks "Washington" (state) == "Seattle"
#WashingtonState is not going to ban guns.
BAN them!? HAHAHAHAHA uh no.
Pretty shure at this point it's too late.
We live in the Post-#FGC9 / Post-#Luty era.
Stuff's not gonna disappear even if you outlaw it.
And even then you'd only outlaw numbers and drawings - something that can't be enforced.
Accept the #InconvenientTruth that #GunBan|s ain't enforceable beyond willingful compliance and flexing the police state on unarmed civilians.
#gunban #inconvenienttruth #luty #fgc9
Appeals court strikes down gun ban for people with domestic violence restraining orders
#domesticviolence #guncontrol #gunban
@Lowie Well, no.
Obviously there ain't mass shootings in places with far higher gun densities like #Switzerland, #Canada, #Serbia, #Slovenia, #Finland and #Germany, despite the latter one having the biggest black market per capita worldwide due to several waves of #GunBan attempts.
It's not access to guns but the way said #violence is medially "celebrated" by #platforming attackers and thus rewarding them with #PropagandaOfTheDeed for their acts of #StochasticTerrorism:
#stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #platforming #violence #gunban #Germany #Finland #slovenia #serbia #Canada #switzerland
@DaemonFC That's like the Gunbans in Germany since 1972:
Black market will be booming, and since we live in the Post-Luty / Post-FGC9 - era, we can be shure no #GunBan will be enforceable...
I just refuse to violate laws out of principle, but statistically that makes me a minority in Germany...
#JustinTrudeau taking away a farmers gun in Saskatchewan is not going to stop the gangs/criminals in Toronto with his countrywide #gunban which would automatically criminalize target shooters, hunters and farmers. The guns are being smuggled in from the US in vast numbers. #Canada is The second largest country in the world and every province has its own culture. Russians must be laughing their asses off! https://beta.cp24.com/news/2022/12/5/1_6180875.html
#justintrudeau #gunban #canada
#Philadelphia’s Democrat mayor signs #gunban that applies to concealed carry permit holders
#Philadelphia’s Democrat mayor signs #gunban that applies to concealed carry permit holders
In light of last week's Bruen decision, the Ninth Circuit just vacated and remanded a lawsuit we're watching that challenges California's "assault weapon" ban. Judge Bumatay dissents, saying that the 3-judge panel should just hear the case.
You can read the brief we filed in this case in 2020 here: https://t.co/fmclkoekJ5
#gunban #guncontrol #GunLegislation
people really do need to leave california twitter.com/jsolomonReports/st
#gunban #guncontrol #GunLegislation
House of Reps
RINO watch
House Passes Gun Bill: Raises Age Limit, Bans Some Ammo Magazines | Newsmax.com
#2ndamendment #gunrights #gunban