Oh no! The animated film Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio starts at the grave of a 10-year-old. In a metaphor that has all the subtlety of a stick in the eye, it then establishes that the boy, Carlo, was blown up by a bomb while in church.
This recalls Bambi's mother, who (#spoiler!) dies at the start of the film. Animated terror for a new generation.
The twins are spellbound by it. (Their dad said they could watch, but I wouldn't have let them.)
#spoiler #lgbt #life #guncle #twins #film #movieviolence
I just said: "Oh, the kids are coming over shortly. I'd better get dressed. And put on my protective gear."
There's nothing quite as risky as rambunctious boys trampolining in your lap, especially when saying "No, calm down" is taken as an invitation to double down.