Colorado protesters demand that governor issue order banning all guns | US news | The Guardian
"A group of nearly 1,000 protesters, mostly women, demanded a ban on all guns – a move the governor said would be unconstitutional"
Yes, the #RightWing would use that argument, and given how rt-wing SCOTUS is now, would probably win. However, I fully agree with the demands. The small steps being taken are peanuts.
#rightwing #guns #gunviolence #gunlobby #capitalism
Anyone planning on attending and live-tooting the #Here4TheKids sit-in in #Denver tomorrow? Show yourselves so we can boost you!
#Uspol #GunControlNow #GunViolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #FuckYour2A #Colorado #CO #ColoradoSprings #PagosaSprings #Durango #FortCollins #FortCarson #BreckenRidge #Alamosa #Pueblo #Trinidad #Walsenburg #DelNorte #DenverCO #GunLobby
#here4thekids #denver #uspol #guncontrolnow #gunviolence #GunControl #2a #repeal2a #fuckyour2a #colorado #co #coloradosprings #pagosasprings #durango #fortcollins #fortcarson #breckenridge #alamosa #pueblo #trinidad #walsenburg #delnorte #denverco #gunlobby
This, from the national magazine of the #Presbyterian Church (USA) (PC(USA)) on campaigning against #GunViolence is fascinating- a "#mainline" #Christian denomination offering ideas like decommissioning unwanted #guns and information to #church members to counter the lies of the #US #GunLobby
#gunlobby #us #church #guns #christian #mainline #gunviolence #presbyterian
This tough backstory clearly illustrates the exponential impact of how many people are directly scared by gun violence in America. #Republicans and the #GunLobby did this. #MAGA are weaponizing it even further.
New Mexico shooting victims mourned by their children, 64 grandchildren
Another of my weird predictions: no progress will be made on #GunControl until the boomers die off.
Because of generational/cultural change? No. Because their massive gun collections will go back on the market, causing prices to plummet, thus weakening the #GunLobby.
Congressional Republicans, Gun Lobby, and Gun Nuts:
Stop wasting money on holsters. Shove your firearms up your reckless, sociopathic, gun violence-perpetuating, mass murderer-enabling asses.
This isn’t about 2nd Amendment rights; it’s about profits, power, and paranoia. The U.S. now has mass shootings daily. Thousands of people are wounded, hundreds mortally, by gun violence annually, thanks to assholes like you.
#Republicans #GOP #GunLobby #GunNuts #GunViolence #GunSafety #BanAssaultWeapons
#BanAssaultWeapons #gunsafety #gunviolence #gunnuts #gunlobby #gop #republicans
Remember, America only has to reach about 55,000 guns deaths in a year to be equivalent to civilian per capita deaths by #PutinsWar in Ukraine.
Unfortunately: #GOP + #MAGAliban + the #GunLobby = #WarZoneUSA.
Frequent shootings put US mass killings on a record pace
#PutinsWar #gop #magaliban #gunlobby #warzoneusa
Senator: We've Done Enough on Gun Control, We're Not Going To Do Anything Else
Republican Senator Mike Rounds says they've gone as far as they're going to go on gun control. Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
#GunControl #GunLobby #MikeRounds #NRA #UselessCongress #TYT #TheYoungTurks #TYTNetwork
#guncontrol #gunlobby #mikerounds #nra #uselesscongress #tyt #theyoungturks #tytnetwork
[The shooter who killed three children and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville legally bought seven firearms in recent years and hid the guns from their parents before the attack, police have said.]
Seven. Who the hell needs that many firearms, and how does that number NOT raise red flags for authorities?
Oh. Yeah. Because the gun lobby has made sure it doesn't.
America, you are being held hostage by a Republican Party bought and paid for by the gun lobby. The income the top-tier Senators and Congresspeople get from the gun lobby is higher than the average American's income of $31,000 per annum!
Add to that their generous government income and perks, and the other lobbyists' donations, and you can see why they like the status quo.
𝙔𝙊𝙐, the people, the voters, need to fix this or your children are going to continue to be traumatised until every adult in your country suffers from PTSD.
ABC News link:
#2ndamendment #guncontrol #gunlobby #usa
@npr Never forget: Today's "Republicans" don't want members of their organization to vote in favor of saving lives from being gunned down!
#SaveLives #BanTheGOP #Corruption #GunLobby #NRARussia #GunEpidemic #GunReduction #GunControl
#savelives #banthegop #corruption #gunlobby #nrarussia #gunepidemic #gunreduction #guncontrol
#Australian #War Memorial accepted more than $830,000 from weapons manufacturers in three years. Figures released to Senate reignite debate on commemoration of war dead funded by companies that profit from armed conflict. #guns #gunlobby #Australia
#australian #war #guns #gunlobby #australia
Happy #ValentinesDay from the #GunLobby: 4 more coffins today.
There can be no #GunReform or #GunControl without first repealing the #SecondAmendment
“#Michigan governor denounces campus shooting”
#valentinesday #gunlobby #gunreform #guncontrol #secondamendment #michigan
The US is a nation with over 400Million guns in circulation. Gun violence is now the leading cause of youth deaths. Wrap your brain around that.
Why is it a mystery that we have mass shootings EVERYDAY? Our corrupt government officials are worthless at stopping it as long as they take the bribes from the #GunLobby #GunReformNow
Our national affliction. By the Washington Posts’s Ann Telnaes.
#politics #gunlobby #gundeaths
#gundeaths #gunlobby #Politics
First saw this from Jason Wiley 🏳️🌈
@onyx654 (cool cover photo by the way)
Thought it really needed screen reader friendly text
Unlike Jason, I am far more progressive/leftist than her but this statement is great.
Also a little comment from science. She says that the planet is dying. This is untrue. The planet has survived multiple extinction events. What is happening is that #Capitalism is making the earth uninhabitable for humans and many other species.
#capitalism #anticapitalist #bigoil #gunlobby