Florida man accidentally shoots himself in the leg while allegedly attempting to burglarize a car.
A Florida man accidentally shot himself in the leg during an alleged attempted burglary. Justin McCall, who was out of jail on bond, allegedly stole a firearm from vehicle and was trying to break into another.
All you need to stop a bad guy with a gun is an idiot with a gun, sometimes they are the same person 😂
#news #FloridaMan #GunNews #America
#news #floridaman #gunnews #america
RT @AmmoSeek
Pennsylvania Constitutional Carry Bill Advances to Governor https://j.mp/30vBBMd #gunnews
RT @gunpolicy
"About 100 toy guns were swapped for other less provocative alternatives during the Long Island Toy Gun Exchange Program Monday morning at the village’s Brierley Park." #2A #RKBA #GunNews https://www.newsday.com/long-island/nassau/hempstead-village-toy-gun-exchange-1.50099781