@intelwire Well, then bring charges of criminally negligent manslaughter against the "GOP" for refusing to implement efficient gun control laws, which can & must save lives in America, just because they've been bribed by the Kremlin-funded NRA!

#savelives #nra #massmurder #banthegop #corruption #bribery #guncontrol #gunepidemic #gunreduction

Last updated 1 year ago

@HomerHarlequin @gwfoto As the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wisely wrote on (f**king) Twitter, referring to school-girl poisonings in Iran:
"Girls must be able to go to school without fear. This is nothing less than their human right. All cases must be fully investigated."

More generally saying: School kids in the United States must be able to go to school without permanent fear of being shot to death. It's their human right to survive "GOP" corrupt lobbying & refusal to eliminate the constant gun-murder threat.
Everyone is requested to stand up for the human right to survive the omnipresent insane gun violence!
To not let speeches on human rights be another bunch of cheap hollow words.

#savelives #humanrights #womensrights #abortionrights #gunviolence #gunreduction #guncontrol

Last updated 1 year ago

@npr Never forget: Today's "Republicans" don't want members of their organization to vote in favor of saving lives from being gunned down!

#savelives #banthegop #corruption #gunlobby #nrarussia #gunepidemic #gunreduction #guncontrol

Last updated 1 year ago

@fraying I wish everyone were as aware of responsibility as you, in a country with statistically 120.5 firearms per 100 U.S. civilians.

The highest number of firearms in civilian hands in the world by far.

Could it be THAT's the reason that so many humans are killed by gunfire in the U.S.?
(Rhetorical question)

#savelives #gunepidemic #guncontrol #gunreduction #corruption #bribery #nrakills #nralobbygop

Last updated 1 year ago

@TonyStark NRA-"A ratings" for candidates for /members of congress & other members of the branches of power are not only traumatizing β€” they're killing people.
Besides the fact, that everyone accepting "donations" for being NRA-"A rated" may be furthering laundering Russian money gained through organized crime.

No one with a favorable NRA-rating belongs into any position in government, neither locally, state- or nationwide.
Supporters of shooting children, supporters of mass shootings, supporters of gun violence mustn't hold any public office.

#savelives #gunepidemic #guninsanity #gunreduction #guncontrolnow

Last updated 1 year ago

@HopeVanDyne Corrupticans really know how to make Americans' public life deadlier.

#gunreduction #savelives #banthegop #gunepidemic

Last updated 1 year ago

@asociologist Without a creepy 393,347,000 (2017) estimated firearms in the hands of civilians in a country of 326,474,000+ there wouldn't be the need for scary active shooter drills at all.

P.S: Of those 393,347,000 civilians' firearms, only 1,073,743 were registered.


#gunepidemic #guncontrol #gunreduction #savelives #peopleatwar

Last updated 2 years ago

@stopgopfox Every 16 hours a former or current intimate partner shoots a woman in the U.S. while many of them shouldn't have owned firearms at all.
Gun industry lobbying kills.


#savelives #gunreduction #guncontrol #humanitymatters #domesticviolence #gunskillfamilies

Last updated 2 years ago

Mustrideorski · @Mustrideorski
61 followers · 215 posts · Server urbanists.social

@TonyStark The Floridians DeSantis didn't manage to kill with his abysmally shitty & corrupt handling of federally provided vaccines to save lives from the COVID pandemic may die a sure death from DeSantis's equally corrupt handling of deadly gun circulation & spreading in Florida!

#savelives #removeron #condesantis #gunepidemic #guncontrol #gunreduction

Last updated 2 years ago

@cautionarytale It may take time to check your toy gun if it's really just that.

But you better do it - it can save lives.

#savelives #gunreduction #guncontrol

Last updated 2 years ago

@TonyStark Second to the U.S. on the list of countries with civilian-held firearms per 100 population (2017) are the Falkland Islands, where civilians are said to hold 2,000 firearms, 62.1 firearms per 100 persons.
Do they have weekly/daily mass-murderous shootings? The islands would probably already be depopulated!

The list is topped by the U.S., where in 2017 civilians were estimated to possess an insane 393,347,000 firearms, 120.5 firearms per 100 persons.
Find out, what's wrong!

And who's wrong, for big money refusing to keep the murderous gun tsunami at bay.


#savelives #guninsanity #gundemic #gunreduction #guncontainment

Last updated 2 years ago

@sheislaurence Right! Investigating the motives of mass shooters is of no help, when Congress still complicitly approves the circulation & possession of 120.5 firearms per 100 U.S. civilians.

#savelives #gunreduction #guncontrol #gunepidemic

Last updated 2 years ago

@BHallBabyDoc The number of mass-murderous guns, freely put into civilian hands, is the insanity that kills Americans.
For the sake of "A"-ratings of members of Congress with wide open pockets & paid lack of conscience, compassion & common sense.


#savelives #gunreduction #corruption #massshootings #overkill #overarmed #complicitgop #nra

Last updated 2 years ago