The #GunIndustry is celebrating all the way to their offshore banks and the #Republicans will expect extra thick envelopes from the NRA.
They’ll do anything to perpetuate the #GunSlaughter of Americans in sole service of #Gun profits.
When do Americans get freedom from the gun slaughter?
#gunindustry #republicans #gunslaughter #gun
#MTG and every #Republican will do anything to perpetuate the American #GunSlaughter in sole support of #GunIndustry profits and the thick envelopes delivered by the #NRA.
Nothing will change as long as the #GOP retains a shred of power.
#mtg #republican #gunslaughter #gunindustry #nra #gop #therearenogoodrepublicans
Every time there is a gun death reported, it should include the make and model of the weapon(s) used so we can thank the gun maker personally on social media, with cards and letters, placards and banners, billboards, commercials, even demonstrations highlighting their contribution to the perpetual American #GunSlaughter.
Meanwhile, the #GunIndustry and their lapdog #Republicans are laughing all the way to the bank.
This is what they want, a perpetual American #GunSlaughter in service of Gun Company profits.
#gunindustry #republicans #gunslaughter
Another day, another mass #GunSlaughter, this time targeting kids who had just graduated high school.
But have no fear #Republicans are doing everything they can to protect the guns and #GunIndustry profits.
#gunslaughter #republicans #gunindustry
#Republicans will do anything to perpetuate the endless #GunSlaughter in sole service of Gun Industry profits and NRA bribes.
1 year after the #Uvalde #GunSlaughter just remember that #Republicans are doing everything they can to protect the guns and Gun Industry profits, no matter how many school kids are slaughtered.
#Uvalde #gunslaughter #republicans #itstheguns #guncontrolnow #itsapolicychoice #republicanskillkids
This violent gun humper is just one mouth kid, one sidelong glance, or one inflammatory fake news story away from the latest #GunSlaughter
The #GunIndustry and #GOP are cheering this slaughter on.
#gunslaughter #gunindustry #gop
I agree, #Republicans will do nothing to end the #GunSlaughter as long as gun companies keep filling those NRA envelopes with cash.
But I think there’s another reason, a far darker reason the #GOP perpetuates the slaughter.
Republicans are arming their terrorist operatives, their SA, their Brownshirts. They will use these terrorist cells to overthrow American democracy and raise their #Republican #FourthReich #fascist dictatorship.
#republicans #gunslaughter #gop #republican #fourthreich #fascist
@TonyStark #Republicans will do anything to perpetuate the endless #GunSlaughter in the name of Gun Industry profits as long as those fat #NRA envelopes keep arriving.
#republicans #gunslaughter #nra #fascism
#Texas Governor #Abbott immediately called law enforcement after the mass killer was apprehended to make sure the #AR15 used in the latest #GunSlaughter was safe and unhurt.
Man accused of killing 5 neighbors in Texas is apprehended after manhunt - NBC News
#texas #abbott #ar15 #gunslaughter
It’s a decision, a policy decision.
The American #GunSlaughter will continue as long as #Republicans hold any power.
The #GOP will perpetuate the mass #slaughter in sole service of #GunIndustry profits and the fat envelopes delivered by the NRA.
#gunslaughter #republicans #gop #slaughter #gunindustry
And the #GunIndustry is laughing all the way to the bank while the #NRA delivers another round of fat envelopes to #GOP who perpetuate the American #GunSlaughter.
#gunindustry #nra #gop #gunslaughter
@CogitoErgoWtf @gop
It's all in service of #GunIndustryProfits and those fat enveloped delivered by the #NRA.
#gunindustryprofits #nra #gunslaughter #gunsoverpeople #itstheguns #itsachoice
#Republicans will do anything to perpetuate the ongoing #GunSlaughter of Americans in sole service of #GunIndustryProfits and those juicy #NRA envelopes.
#republicans #gunslaughter #gunindustryprofits #nra #gunsoverpeople
The only way to fix this is to purge the Republican Party, and any Democrat that supports the #GunSlaughter from power.
Remember, after every mass shooting, the executives and employees at #SigSauer, #GLOCK, #Beretta, #Bushmaster, #Remington, #winchester, and the rest of the #GunInduatry are laughing all the way to the bank.
It’s not about sport, it’s not about protection, it’s not about the #2ndAmendment, it’s about profit, wealth, and blood money.
The perpetual #GunSlaughter is a uniquely American plague, it’s a policy choice. We allow this to happen.
#sigsauer #glock #beretta #bushmaster #remington #winchester #guninduatry #2ndamendment #gunslaughter
Every #Republican is at the #NRA Nazi show to genuflect and ledge their allegiance to the perpetual #GunSlaughter of Americans in service of Gun Industry profits.
#republican #nra #gunslaughter
On #LinkedIn I read someone excusing the perpetual #GunSlaughter in American schools by comparing it to the failed countries that still enlist child soldiers.
If you think Gun Industry apologists can't sink any lower...
#linkedin #gunslaughter #gunhumpers #gunindustryprofits #itsachoice #guncontrolnow
The yearly #GunSlaughter in service of Gun Industry profits will continue as long as #Republicans retain any power.
This is a uniquely American problem, it doesn't happen anywhere else.
It is also a policy decision.