BBC News - TSA raises alarm amid huge increase in guns at US airports including assault weapons #GunTotingCowards #MAGAdomesticTerrorists #GunViolence #gunviolenceprevention #GunReformNow #TooManyGuns
#guntotingcowards #magadomesticterrorists #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #GunReformNow #toomanyguns
@RobertMaguire People who insist that guns must be everywhere, in the hands of everyone, and rail at the slightest restrictions on the most ridiculous firearms, generally tend fo be craven cowards who don't feel strong without a weapon.
They've never absorbed any of the lessons of Dr. King, Gandhi, or anyone else who has ever been powerless (by conventional measures) but courageous nonetheless.
#guntotingcowards #bulliesarecowards