Thinking of filling out some of those forms challenging some Florida school library books. Think I will ask the school district to trash all books that include positive talk of guns. I don't think gun humper porn belongs in our schools & I am pretty sure one of those religious Commandments they want to post in public schools frowns on all that killing stuff. #bookban #bookbanninglunatics #Florida #Floriduh #GunviolenceintheUS #permitlesscarry
#permitlesscarry #gunviolenceintheus #Floriduh #florida #bookbanninglunatics #bookban
I just said to my wife while watching the news and asking "Which murder is this?" that it is fucked that we are having these kinds of conversations. I don't imagine folks in most other countries having so much violence. #gunviolence #gunviolenceintheus
#GunViolence #gunviolenceintheus
This is quite a photograph. (Credit Nic Antaya, The Washington Post) #GunviolenceintheUS
Eunice K. Dwumfour, 30, was found dead in her car with multiple gunshot wounds on Wednesday night. She was serving her first term on the Sayreville Borough Council.
This is Abby Zwerner, 25-years-old from Williamsburg, Virginia, the first grade teacher shot by a 6-year-old student in her classroom. She remains in critical condition. Parent Sebastian Gonzalez-Hernandez says Zwerner “screamed at her kids to run away” after the student shot her @MikeSington
#gunviolence #GunviolenceintheUS #children #school #Teachers #lifeintheUS
#lifeintheus #teachers #school #children #gunviolenceintheus #gunviolence
6k child deaths from gun violence in the US in 2022. Gun violence is the leading cause of child death.
#gunviolenceintheus #gunviolence
'An Absolute F**king Disgrace': Record 6,036 US Kids Killed, Injured by Gunfire in ain't over yet.
Man who shot Lady Gaga’s dog walker, stole French bulldogs, gets 21 years in jail #ManwhoshotLadyGaga’sdogwalker #stoleFrenchbulldogs #GunviolenceintheUS #gets21yearsinjail #Fameandcelebrity #UnitedStates #Animals #World #Music #Crime #News #Pets
#pets #news #crime #music #world #animals #unitedstates #Fameandcelebrity #gets21yearsinjail #gunviolenceintheus #stolefrenchbulldogs #manwhoshotladygaga