"House Bill 3’s armed guard provision is a feel-good law, not a do-good law. It gives the appearance the Texas Legislature did something about school safety, while being underfunded and having an unrealistic compliance deadline."
#publichealth #education #gunsafety #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention
#publichealth #education #GunSafety #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention
Social media companies are responsible for algorithms promoting violent content and should be held accountable.
⭐ Section 230 was NOT intended to allow the recklessly dangerous actions of these social media companies.
#publichealth #socialmedia #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #gunsafety #gunsense #enough @law @publichealth #Everytown #MomsDemand
#publichealth #socialmedia #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #gunsafety #gunsense #enough #everytown #momsdemand
"Two decades ago, only about 20 U.S. researchers were focused on gun violence prevention. Last fall, more then 600 gathered in Washington, D.C., for what’s been described as the largest-ever national conference on the issue. An even bigger turnout is expected at a conference this fall... Researchers estimate there were more than 48,000 firearm deaths last year."
#GunViolence #prevention #GunViolencePrevention
#gunviolence #prevention #gunviolenceprevention
Look at all these cool people who are going to discuss gun violence prevention within the Asian American community! Join us August 16 from 6:30 - 8 pm at the Chinese Community Center.
#aapi #aanhpi #enoughisenough #everytown #notonemore #momsdemandaction #stoptheviolence #blm #gunviolenceprevention #gunfireepidemic #suicide #mentalhealth
#momsdemand #gunaccidents #gunsense #gunsafety
#AAPI #AANHPI #EnoughIsEnough #everytown #notonemore #momsdemandaction #stoptheviolence #BLM #gunviolenceprevention #gunfireepidemic #Suicide #mentalhealth #MomsDemand #gunaccidents #gunsense #GunSafety
Survivor on #HighlandPark #massshooting, #gunviolenceprevention
#HighlandPark #massshooting #gunviolenceprevention
California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes 28th Amendment to the Constitution to combat gun violence
#USAToday #NewsomAmendment #GunViolencePrevention #SecondAmendmentDebate #ConstitutionalChange #PublicSafety #Politics #News
#usatoday #newsomamendment #gunviolenceprevention #secondamendmentdebate #constitutionalchange #publicsafety #politics #news
Cool story about literally beating swords — well, guns — into plowshares — alright, gardening tools. Also about one man's personal reckoning with #guns and #violence.
"Self-inflicted gunshot wounds were one of many factors that led Goldstein to change his mind about war and weapons." https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/raw-tools-expansion/ #GunViolence #GunViolencePrevention
#guns #violence #gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention
Wear Orange began on June 2, 2015, the day that would have been Hadiya Pendleton's 18th birthday.
Wear Orange is now three days each year. National Gun Violence Awareness Day is the first Friday in June and the accompanying weekend is Wear Orange Weekend. This year, these dates are June 2 to June 4.
You can learn more or find an event near you at the following site:
#endgunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #wearorange
News coverage of gun violence almost always focuses on the problem. Identifying the problem is important, but this crisis will never abate if that's all we do.
If potential solutions are something you're interested in, I hope you'll sign up for The Trajectory, my new newsletter exploring the people, policies, and programs grappling with America's gun violence epidemic.
#gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #news
#GunViolence #gunviolenceprevention #News
"...[Lexi] did her homework without being asked, made straight A’s, and starred on the girls’ basketball and softball teams. She often told her mom that she too planned to attend St. Mary’s, but to study math (her favorite subject) and then enroll at St. Mary’s law school after graduation so that she could one day become a lawyer and fight injustice."
#publichealth #gun violence #gunviolenceprevention #enough #endgunviolence #Texas #txlege #Uvalde
#publichealth #gun #gunviolenceprevention #Enough #endgunviolence #texas #txlege #Uvalde
Washington "Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed into law House Bill 1240, which prohibits the 'manufacture, importation, distribution, selling, and offering for sale of assault weapons' and lists dozens of specific firearms — the AR-15, AK-47, M16 and M4 among them. It also prohibits equipment that can turn weapons into assault-style firearms and any semiautomatic weapon shorter than 30 inches in length."
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention
Getting tired of adding to this count...
31,780 Reasons to Care About Gun Violence
#GunViolence #GunViolencePrevention #Guns #Children #Families
#gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention #guns #children #families
“For 15 years I’ve cared for victims of violence and gunshot wounds. And people say ‘I’m tired,’ but ill- it’s more than tired. I’m weary,” Smith said. “There’s only so many times you can walk into a room and tell someone they’re not coming home tomorrow.”
“And it just breaks your heart. When you hear someone screaming, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy,’ it just becomes too hard day in and day out to be able to do that,” he added.
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention
"The Violence Project, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research center that's funded by the National Institute of Justice, has found the current or former workplaces of perpetrators were the most common sites for mass shootings, which the organization defines as four or more people killed by a firearm.
'Most of the shooters had been fired,' the organization said."
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention
"A majority of Americans say they or a family member has experienced gun violence, such as witnessing a shooting, being threatened by a person with a gun, or being shot, according to a sweeping new survey....Nearly 1 in 5 respondents , including 34% of Black adults, 18% of Hispanic adults, and 17% of white adults, said a family member had been killed by a gun."
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention
#nashville #nashvilleshooting #gunreform #guncontrol #gunviolenceprevention
Media covers Trump not student protest in Nashville
#nashville #nashvilleshooting #gunreform #guncontrol #gunviolenceprevention
@sharonecathcart @jimmacmillan
More articles on #GunViolence and #GunViolencePrevention (including references for further reading), by Michael J. Klein, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, New York University, via @TheConversationUS https://theconversation.com/profiles/michael-j-klein-1351591/articles
cc: @RobertMaguire
#gunviolence #gunviolenceprevention
“The high-velocity firearm injuries, when they come in, you’re missing body parts, and there’s bleeding,” said Lillian Liao, a trauma surgeon at University Hospital and UT Health in San Antonio. “You don’t see muscle. There’s just bone and skin and missing parts.”
#publichealth #gunsafety #gunviolenceprevention #Texas #txlege
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention #texas #txlege
“When babies die at a church school, it is time for us to move beyond thoughts and prayers,” the chaplain said in his opening prayer on Tuesday. “Remind our lawmakers of the words of Edmund Burke: ‘All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.’”
#publichealth #GunSafety #gunviolenceprevention
Global News BC: Vernon, B.C. endorses gun and gang prevention strategy https://globalnews.ca/news/9588998/vernon-gun-gang-prevention-strategy/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VernonGunandGangViolencePreventionStrategy #gunviolenceprevention #GangPrevention #CityofVernon #OkanaganNews #GunViolence #Canada #Vernon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vernongunandgangviolencepreventionstrategy #gunviolenceprevention #gangprevention #CityofVernon #OkanaganNews #gunviolence #Canada #Vernon