Looking for a job? Sterling Pathology is seeking a Dynamic Pathology Lab Director/COO in Southern California.
Required qualifications include AP/CP Board Certification with GI, GU, Derm, Hem and Molecular expertise.
Visit https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/jobs#job_7050 for more information.
#sterlingpathology #pathology #job #hiringnow #california #southerncalifornia #GIpath #GUpath #dermpath #hemato #molecular #laboratory #director
#sterlingpathology #Pathology #job #hiringnow #California #southerncalifornia #gipath #gupath #dermpath #hemato #molecular #laboratory #director
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, M.D., Ph.D.
Subspecialty: GU
Diagnosis: Prostate cancer with perineural invasion
See Dr. Magi-Galluzzi's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/cristina-magi-galluzzi
#directory #imageoftheweek #gupath #pathology #pathologyoutlines #profile #prostatecancer #prostate #cancer
#directory #ImageOfTheWeek #gupath #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #profile #ProstateCancer #prostate #cancer
Top topics of 2022:
#10 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma with 100,345 views.
Read the topic: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/kidneytumormalignantrccclear.html
#pathology #pathologyoutlines #gupath #carcinoma #kidney #renal #kidneytumor
#Pathology #pathologyoutlines #gupath #carcinoma #kidney #Renal #kidneytumor
Top topics of 2022:
#9 Invasive urothelial carcinoma with 101,073 views.
Read the topic: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/bladderurothelialinvasivegen.html
#Pathology #pathologyoutlines #gupath #carcinoma #bladder
Academic Surgical Pathologist
The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University
is hiring full-time academic pathologists with subspecialty training.
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#Pathology #pathologyjob #hiring #job #portland #ohsu #headandneck #pediatrics #thoracic #gupath
RT @slusagar@twitter.com
#pathtwitter friends & colleagues:
🙏🏽help me spread the word🗣️!
@StanfordPath@twitter.com has a #GUpath fellowship opening for 2024-2025. Apply now!
Don't miss the #10thHonkgKongPathologyForum, with symposia on #PediPath, #DermPath and #ChemicalPathology. I will present the new #BlueBook #PAED5 #WHOClassificationOnPaediatricTumours, and talk about #TesticularTumours in children. #GUPath #Pathology. 4th February 2023
#10thhonkgkongpathologyforum #PediPath #dermpath #chemicalpathology #bluebook #paed5 #whoclassificationonpaediatrictumours #testiculartumours #gupath #Pathology
Final day (3) and double sessions of #GUpath at @NUFeinbergMed@twitter.com anatomy lab. Our @NU_Pathology@twitter.com ⭐️ residents teaching today: @menona1994@twitter.com & @MarkJedrzejczak@twitter.com!
Day 2 at @NUFeinbergMed@twitter.com anatomy lab! Today’s @NU_Pathology@twitter.com ⭐️ teaching #GUpath is our chief resident @Paraparacelsus@twitter.com. Thanks again to another ⭐️ resident @AlcinoGama@twitter.com for yesterday’s superb teaching. #PurplePath
RT @DrGeeONE@twitter.com
I would like to hear your opinions on this case:
14 year old with a renal mass noticed 2 years ago. (involving inferior 2/3 of the kidney)
@LaraHarikMD@twitter.com (sorry, missed the lectures today😔)
@VarshaManuchaMD@twitter.com @drmehrarohit@twitter.com @virchow@twitter.com @s_prendeville@twitter.com @slusagar@twitter.com
So much fun talking about our favorite organs in anatomy lab @NUFeinbergMed@twitter.com @NU_Pathology@twitter.com #GUPath #PurplePath
RT @AlcinoGama@twitter.com
Had a blast running #GUpath lab with @bonnie_choy@twitter.com! What an outstanding #MS2 class @NUFeinbergMed@twitter.com @NU_Pathology@twitter.com #PurplePath
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlcinoGama/status/1615827402797588500
RT @DrGeeONE@twitter.com
Elderly male with ?retroperitoneal mass encasing the proximal ureter, extending to the spleen, pancreas. Nodules also seen on the mesentery of the bowels.
Submitted: Kidney,spleen and mesenteric fat ? LN.
Image set 1: Renal pelvis
Share your thoughts
RT @drmehrarohit@twitter.com
Check out our study on intense intratumoral heterogeneity in clear cell RCC with biomarker/clinical annotations- Thanks to all collaborators🙏 @UMichPath@twitter.com @UMRogelCancer@twitter.com @Human_Pathology@twitter.com #gupath #kidneycancer #PathTwitter https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36511267/ Free link https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gAOvAfIPi6o8
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drmehrarohit/status/1603815280869883913
#gupath #KidneyCancer #PathTwitter
RT @kiko4docs@twitter.com
Renal mass shared by Dr. Miruna Popescu @MirunaPopescu13@twitter.com. Diagnosis?
Answer & WSI digital slide: https://kikoxp.com/posts/18363
Find more great posts in Dr. Popescu's Mega Index: https://kikoxp.com/posts/18167
#GUpath #pathologists #pathology #pathTwitter #urology #uroTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kiko4docs/status/1604104896231473152
#gupath #pathologists #Pathology #PathTwitter #urology #urotwitter
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Thi Thanh Tam Bui, M.D..
Subspecialty: GU
Diagnosis: Choriocarcinoma of testis
See Dr. Bui's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/thi-thanh-tam-bui
#pathology #imageoftheweek #gupath #testis #pathologyoutlines #Directory
#Pathology #ImageOfTheWeek #gupath #testis #pathologyoutlines #directory
RT @MirunaPopescu13@twitter.com
Nephrogenic adenoma, misnomer!
✅metaplastic reactive change
✅tubulocystic, papillary, polypoid
✅cuboidal/hobnailed cells w/ eosinophilic cytoplasm & smudged nc, no prom. nucleoli
✅thickened hyalinized BM around tubules
✅limited to LP, no stromal reaction
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MirunaPopescu13/status/1602407235296104453
RT @slusagar@twitter.com
I'm😃to share with #pathtwitter family some exciting news:
starting in the Spring of 2023, I will become a #GUpath faculty member at @StanfordPath@twitter.com❣️
RT @atman_ci@twitter.com
#Pathology #PathTwitter #PathResidents a gem in #GUPath kidney tumors, much thanks @PoloniaAntonio@twitter.com for showing us!
#PathTweetAward https://twitter.com/poloniaantonio/status/1593634848417239042
#Pathology #PathTwitter #Pathresidents #gupath #PathTweetAward