~Let me build you a world, shining, shimmering, splendid...
tell me players now when did your GM let you guys decide...
I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder,
Over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride!~
For this offered game I will literally build the world, the setting, the plot, all to suit the players, based on their character and background choices.
Sign up today!
#ttrpg #gurps #dnd5e #dnd #MutantsAndMasterminds #Genesys #pathfinder
#ttrpg #gurps #dnd5e #DnD #mutantsandmasterminds #Genesys #pathfinder
10. Mashup of games done or thought of?
In the first game I ever GMed, I used #SwordsAndWizardry because a version was free and I'd been reading about the #OSR. That I was using a BX retroclone did not stop me from grabbing bits from #GURPS or #DND35 or #NewWorldOfDarkness any of the other systems I could find books for at Seattle's The Dreaming.
I miss that store and its secret door to the bathroom hidden behind the Pathfinder shelf.
#septemberpg #swordsandwizardry #osr #gurps #dnd35 #newworldofdarkness
At some point I might post these conversions somewhere... once we've tested them in actual play.
Vehicles don't figure heavily in my #GURPS Autoduel campaign(s) as emphasis is on the human element and roleplaying... otherwise we'd just play classic Car Wars.
However, vehicular combat is a way of life in the game world and should be dealt with in an appropriate (and fun) way.
Yeah, I *could* have spent the afternoon doing something productive, but I opted instead to convert several classic Car Wars vehicles to #GURPS 4e stats.
The initial encounter had the players battle it out with the owners:
Janet: Do you sell books?
David: Books? No books. Here, buy e-reader. Summit, good brand, only $200. Pay my wife.
Janet: $200 for an e-reader? I dunno, I've never heard of that brand.
David: Summit is good brand. Sony guts. Here, here, you pay my wife.
Janet: No, I'll pass, that's a lot for an e-reader.
David: Get out! Go buy $25 e-reader from all-consonants Chinese not Sony guts brand!
I've been browsing #GURPS Infinite Worlds this morning.
While I've established that my GURPS Autoduel/Urban Fantasy campaign takes place on a timeline called Autoduel-2, I've never explored IW beyond that.
I've added a little IW flavour to the campaign by referencing a White Star Trading location in town... but I've also added a little 1990s SNL flavour by making it Sabra White Star Trading.
Question for the #GURPS crowd:
Are there any folks who stick with "Classic" older edition rules? I started collecting the game books in high school during 3rd edition -- GURPS Cyberpunk and Discworld being my introductions to it.
My older brother is die-hard 4E, and I have some books in that line as well. I get how it's "better" but I find myself drawn back to the older stuff.
#ttrpg report for 4 Sep. I run a walkup game of Dungeon Fantasy RPG (powered by #GURPS) at the local FLGS. Tonight there were 4 players. Wrestler, Thief, Monk and Wizard. They started the night with the Monk making a successful Tactics roll but the Wizard failing. The next roll was the wizard checking their undead lore skill. Rolled a 4 so knew exactly what was up with the draug they were sent to retreive (for interrogation).
GURPS Wars S1 Ep 05: Fashion Choices
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #GURPS #GURPSWars #TTRPG
Beth GMs for Zesha, Rotini, and Dzwolrhak as they arrive at an outpost to look for new jobs and new outfits.
Follow this series on…
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#podcast #tabletoprpgs #gurps #gurpswars #ttrpg
The druid and ranger continued along the path to the east. Around the next bend the saw many large white roses and other flowers (also large) with closed buds. Both decided they would leave those alone after previous encounters with roadside plants. They reached a door on the east side of the indoor garden. It was supremely ornate. Like what might be to a throne room. It also had fairly frequent drips of blood coming from the archway above the door.
#ttrpg #GURPS
Around the fork, there were fields of giant pansies in a variety of colors. The pansies very clearly had faces. The triger saw them blinking (and winking). The druid decided they wanted to see what the plants had to say and so cast Plant Speech. Because the pansies didn't actually have eyes and they appearance of watching was caused by a glamour, the druid got no information, aside from the pansies being unaware of the two of them.
#ttrpg #GURPS
This angered the half dozen squirrels who attacked the druid. However, given the size differential and the fact the druid is wearing armor I ruled the squirrels simply imposed a DX and IQ penalty. They did not attack the squirrels but did take efforts to dislodge them.
The two proceeded down the pathway. The came to fork one side of which went north to an ornate door, the other side continued to the east.
#ttrpg #GURPS
The druid noted that as the squirrels grabbed the acorns, they became gold. The ranger decided they wanted nothing to do with anything in the forest and were staying on the path. The druid's curiousity, xenophilia, sense of duty to nature and kleptomania drove them to investigate. They found the gnarled hollow tree the squirrels were using to cache their golden food. As their first experiment they added a normal acorn they found to the cache.
#ttrpg #GURPS
#ttrpg report for 02 Sep 2023. My normal Face to Face game met virtually because there was a covid19 + test in my house on Wed. This is a Dungeon Fantasy RPG (powered by #GURPS) game. Because of the virtual nature only 2 of the 4 players made it. Still we had a rave folk druid and a triger ranger wandering in an indoor forest. They left the central plaza and fountain where they had fought a giant amoeba. In a dense patch of oaks, the spotted some squirrels busily gathering acorns.
Only the passenger in the centre of the van made his/her control roll. All the others failed (most were stunned, a couple fainted, and one full-on panicked), and were unable to escape the van.
Their quarry escaped, while Janet snickered from behind her dumpster.
I'm already working on a more powerful version of the ritual, as well as a less-powerful version for close range use. I love Ritual Path Magic.
Some #gurps fun this morning.
I playtested both a classic Car Wars vehicle conversion and a new Ritual Path Magic ritual this morning.
How does a short, skinny young witch, who has taken a vow of non-violence, take on ten heavily armed thugs hunkered down in their assault van by herself (and still have fun)?
By inflicting them with crippling Claustrophobia (from a distance, while hidden) and sending them into a panic while trapped inside their windowless van, that's how!
Warum gibt es eigentlich noch kein ChatRPG? Also ein dungeon master (DM, Spielleiter) Chatbot, dass mit einem Rollenspiele spielt, wenn man gerade keine Gruppe findet. Oder das als Tool für DM funktioniert, wenn diese mal unkreativ sind. Wenn Wizards if the coast order die Verlage hinter #DSA, #Gurps, #Cyberpunk etc. einigermaßen klug ist, bringen sie so was raus 😉 oder gibt's da schon was? Habe nicht nachgesehen 😄
Probably not our best outing, but at least Janet made it home in one piece (and learned a valuable lesson regarding voice triggers on Ritual Path Magic rituals). Still managed to score 2 character points, which will eventually go to IQ.
*In #GURPS Autoduel lore, an Amy is a member of the Church of America.
... but in so doing, she rendered the conditional rituals she'd prepared earlier useless for the duration of her disguise: her rituals rely on a trigger word spoken in her (normal) voice!
Hilarity ensued when she was attacked by a dreg and unable to cast her protective spells. She attempted to shove the tweaker but rolled an 18 and critically failed, dislocating her shoulder.
She decided to make a run for it and eluded her intoxicated pursuer. She made it home in one piece.