Happy Guru Purnima! Here are Happy Guru Purnima wishes that you can use. Wishes, SMS, Quotes, Status and Short Message help you celebrate the day with your loved ones in a special way
#GuruPurnima #Quotes #Messages #Gurus #VyasaPurnima
#gurupurnima #quotes #messages #gurus #vyasapurnima
Well, instead of peace & love directed at yours truly the audience close to me started yelling abuse at me. Did Muktananda tell them 2 cool it? Nah. So, being a nice guy I left with my 3 kids.
At the time I didn't know this guru was supposed to be siddha powerful. To me he was just an Indian guy who was supposed to be holy. I didn't think he was.
A few yrs later I wrote something inspired by that encounter - don't know if it's a poem ...it's intention was lyrics for a song...but I didn't get the music done. Here it is "I'm A Holy Man".
Don't know why but I've always had issues with #gurus & I've met quite a few. The one that stands out for me was when
came to Australia. I was squatting saving houses from being demolished in Glebe & I heard from a friend that he was speaking at East Sydney Tech College. So I thought I'd check him out taking 3 kids from our squat commune. When I arrived the room was full & Muktananda was on a stage with leopard skins scattered on the floor. He sat cross legged on the stage floor & as did the crowd in the hall floor I, with my 3 kids were at the back & kids being kids they started making some noise & restless movements.
Everybody in audience was QUIET & Muktananda asked that the kids be quiet. I tried to shoosh them & they were quiet for a short while. The cross legged audience all turned & stared at me. The vibes were very HEAVY & directed at me with their stares & gazes. Muktananda started to yell at me to keep the kids quiet. They were just doing kid stuff. I stood up& said, "What's your problem? They're kids being kids." Well, that didn't do down well with the hippie peacenik audience OMMING & Ahmming in my direction. Muktananda said, "Go, leave." I replied, "Funny, I think Jesus said suffer the little kids on Sermon on the Mount & he wldn't mind kids playing."
Liberating Ourselves: The Call for Action Over Idolization
#heroes #idols #stars #gurus #gods #fathers #priests #monks #influencers #nrm #religions #philosophy
#philosophy #religions #nrm #influencers #Monks #priests #fathers #gods #gurus #stars #idols #heroes
5th and 6th --
Feet of Clay - about #gurus! #Cults! for obvious reasons...if you read above! my past experience with church and getting out has made #belief and the psychology behind what makes certain people vulnerable to certain beliefs really fascinating.
Natural Causes - kinda like #Vitamania but older? maybe an impulse buy. supplements and pseudoscience are interesting for sort of the same reasons as cults. Read Vitamania, tho, it's really good.
#vitamania #belief #cults #gurus
Time for my regular reminder of Peter Drucker's remark that we call people #gurus because charlatan is too long for a headline - as in this article about #buytolet charlatans in the guardian https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/mar/21/the-improbable-rise-of-landlord-influencers
"When the world is seen as being constantly under attack from negative forces, there are those who deem themselves as courageous enough, intelligent enough, pure enough, god-fearing or spiritual enough, who arrive to save us — either from ourselves or from outside forces..."
#cults #gurus #gaslighting #narcissist
I was looking at #jobs earlier, and all I could see was one compromise after the other. Imagine! To be comfortable in this capitalist system, I have to spend my time - my life - furthering someone else's capitalist agenda, nationalistic ideals, or otherwise work to concentrate someone else's #power & resources. And the folks who say they do something different appear to all be lying - I suppose someone has to pay them too in the end, how else could they afford my cushy day #rate?
I suppose I could #volunteer, or pay for #learning opportunities and adopt someone else's way of viewing the world for a while. That'll make me feel better! Or I could start walking on someone's road to #spiritual enlightenment and tell myself that, if these people say it's OK, then it must be. Even self-employed as a most #progressive #consultant, #facilitator, #coach, #therapist or - fuck it - #white #shaman #entrepreneur, I help people reflect and #dream for just a moment so that they can get the fuck back to #work. How else could they afford my #competitive hourly rate?
And now I'm getting old! I wish I could say that I'm looking forward to what the next generation will come up with, but then the world is ending so... So perhaps things are just shot to shit, #ragnarok is coming and I'm getting #old
Well, at least I #served a #purpose throughout my life. I fed the leeches at the top by giving them my #time, paying my #taxes, tossing my #vote, and generally being #busy and #good in #fear of not ending up a #bum, in #prison, or worse! At least I wasn't (openly) #racist, I kept my #sexism to my personal relationships and only implicitly supported the #patriarchy by insisting it's not there at all. I'm definitely a #feminist though, I was always terrified of my #mom. And although it really made me feel better to #judge people who were fatter, poorer or weaker than me, I only occasionally shared my true feelings with them. Oh, and not to mention the folks with smaller #dicks - haha! - and #black folks, #women or #queer people, thank Thor and the Lord and the Lady that I'm dying before I can no longer feel #superior to them!
But I wasn't bad. I did enjoy cheering for #BLM, and #XR, go you! For a moment there, I felt like even I was doing something! (Although #UFC and the #worldcup were more fun.) But mostly, I suppose, I mastered the art of shutting the #fuck up, silently enjoying my #safety and my #priviledge, and - oh, this I did really well - quickly inventing new #excuses for my pale & hairy ass in the elevator up to my 28th floor #hotdesking space. Change? How? I mean, it was just never the right time... And hey, my therapist and men's group think I'm alright!
OK, well, it is the time for me to #die now. Fuck #Heaven, fuck #WhiteJesus, fuck #politicians, the #rich and their lackeys the #police & #military, fuck my #priest, and fuck all of my self-help and other educative #preachers and #gurus, and then fuck everyone else who I #blame for my dreadfully #unfulfilling, #unhelpful, #disempowered and #mediocre #white existence
If only I had cared a little less for my own #comfort and a little more for people around me, then maybe I would have become an #anarchist. Alas, it's too late now, my ergonomically certified office chair has ground my #balls into dust
Please send me straight to #Hell because, in all #honesty, it's what we all know I deserve
#jobs #power #Rate #volunteer #learning #spiritual #progressive #consultant #facilitator #coach #Therapist #white #shaman #entrepreneur #dream #work #competitive #ragnarok #old #served #purpose #time #taxes #Vote #busy #good #fear #bum #prison #racist #sexism #patriarchy #feminist #mom #judge #dicks #black #women #queer #superior #blm #XR #ufc #worldcup #fuck #safety #priviledge #excuses #hotdesking #die #heaven #whitejesus #politicians #rich #police #military #priest #preachers #gurus #blame #unfulfilling #unhelpful #disempowered #mediocre #comfort #Anarchist #balls #hell #honesty
In this podcast, the final roundup of why self-help gurus are gathering forces to despise ”wokeness” is one of the best I’ve ever heard.
Structural explanations of problems undermine their individual heroism.
Indeed, domains where the individual betterment program reigns supreme are at risk of falling into the teeth of conservatism.
There is often a dangerously short distance from their message to ”you only have yourself to blame”.
#newage #selfhelp #gurus #antiwoke
#newage #selfhelp #gurus #Antiwoke
Interesting read.
The cult of expertise comes for Buddhism
A moneyed caste has co-opted Buddhism and folded it into its techno-centric worldview
Just finished listening to this thought-provoking @BBCSounds series by @helenlewis on online gurus where she explores why people are looking to charismatic leaders to tell us how to live as trust in institutions weaken.
Would highly recommend!
@retrostyle3000 @heiseonline Damit würde wieder einmal deutlich, dass Mensch #Gurus braucht. Wichtige Personen, die der schafige Menge erklärt, wie das Leben funktioniert. Das Lisa Meyer um die Ecke genau so schlau ist, wenn man ihr nur zuhören würde, auf diese Idee kommt keiner.
@eikeramba @andreaskemper Interessant. #Prominente scheinen im #Leben vieler Menschen ein große Rolle zu spielen. Ihr Verlust wird hier beklagt, ihr kommen freudig begrüßt. Was wäre die Welt ohne #Gurus.
@Lassitudor Letztlich ist #Merz auch nur ein #Mensch, der eine bestimmte Sicht auf Welt hat und die für richtig hält. So funktioniert der Mensch doch im Großen und Ganzen. Es gibt #Gurus und es gibt #Jünger. Ich folge dem Guru #Jesus der mir eine interessante Sicht auf die #Welt bietet. Andere halten das für abgrundtiefen #Schwachsinn. Dürfen sie. Deshalb ändere ich aber lange noch nicht meine Meinung.
#schwachsinn #welt #jesus #junger #gurus #mensch #merz
We live…in a golden age of #con #artistry
Much of the attention has focussed on schemes that target women.
But Findeisen was interested in the self-proclaimed #finance #gurus who target people like him and his friends from college—#young #men adrift in the post-financial-crisis world, distrustful of the traditional financial system but hungry for some kind of edge.
#con #artistry #finance #gurus #young #men
Con todo esto de Musk, he decidido crear un hilo con todas las #series de #televisión que he visto en el último año sobre esos #gurús empresariales que han sido deificados por el conjunto de la sociedad (occidental, principalmente).
¿Qué tenían en común? Ser bastante cretinos.