I think @Marvel should cast #GustafSkarsgård as the #SilverSurfer, even though they are both 6'4"; his portrayal of Floki and Merlin was amazing, and I think he could nail the performance of #NorrinRadd.
#gustafskarsgard #silversurfer #norrinradd #fantasticfour #midjourney
Film Review: AIR (2023): Matt Damon Shoots and Scores in Ben Affleck’s Excellent Crowd-Pleaser
#FilmBook #MovieReview #Air #AlMadrigal #AlexConvery #AmazonStudios #ArtistsEquity #AsanteDeshon #BarbaraSukowa #BenAffleck #BillySmith #ChrisMessina #ChrisTucker #DamianDelanoYoung #GustafSkarsgard #JasonBateman #JayMohr #JoelGretsch #MarlonWayans #MattDamon #MatthewMaher #MichaelO'Ne
#filmbook #moviereview #air #almadrigal #alexconvery #amazonstudios #artistsequity #asantedeshon #barbarasukowa #benaffleck #billysmith #chrismessina #christucker #damiandelanoyoung #gustafskarsgard #jasonbateman #jaymohr #joelgretsch #marlonwayans #mattdamon #matthewmaher #michaelo
Alabado sea Odin por darnos a Floki de #Vikings
Hoy cumple 42 años uno de los miembros de la familia Skarsgård
Felicidades a #GustafSkarsgård 🥳🥳