"Never touch your idols: the gilding will stick to your fingers." — Gustave Flaubert— — — #GustaveFlaubert #quote #quotes #idol #phony #paragon #celebrity #false #gilded #common
#gustaveflaubert #quote #quotes #idol #phony #paragon #celebrity #false #gilded #common
Useless quote for 12 June:
"By dint of writing every day on all sorts of subjects, reading many newspapers, listening to a great number of discussions, and uttering paradoxes for the purpose of dazzling people, he had in the end lost the exact idea of things, blinding himself with his own feeble fireworks."
~ Gustave Flaubert, "Sentimental Education" 1869 (1904 English version)
#uselessquote #gustaveflaubert
Penser. Pénible les choses qui nous y forcent sont généralement délaissées. Penser.
#GustaveFlaubert / Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881)
Le nouveau #IsabelleFlaten sort aujourd'hui chez #AnneCarrière
Réappropriation totale, culottée et jubilatoire de Charles Bovary, le héros malheureux de Flaubert. Exercice périlleux et pourtant excellemment mené de bout en bout, chapeau bas ! Et cest bien entendu mon #VendrediLecture ! ⤵️
#isabelleflaten #annecarriere #vendredilecture #gustaveflaubert #litteraturefrancaise #romanfrancais
“Don’t read him, as children do, for amusement. Nor, as the ambitious do, to be instructed. No, read him in order to live.” ~ Gustave Flaubert
#gustaveflaubert #micheldemontaigne
“Don’t read him, as children do, for amusement. Nor, as the ambitious do, to be instructed. No, read him in order to live.” ~ Gustav Flaubert
#gustaveflaubert #micheldemontaigne
“Don’t read him, as children do, for amusement. Nor, as the ambitious do, to be instructed. No, read him in order to live.” ~ Gustav Flaubert
#gustaveflaubert #micheldemontaigne
"Damn the walls that sheltered me! the bourgeois who knew as a tot and the paving stones where I first hardened my heels! O Attila when shall you return, lovable humanitarian, with 400 thousand cavalrymen, to set fire to this beautiful France, country of undersoles and suspenders? and please start with Paris and with Rouen at the same time." #GustaveFlaubert #Flaubert #letters #literature
#gustaveflaubert #flaubert #letters #literature
L’objet d’un raisonnement a moins de valeur que la manière de raisonner.
#GustaveFlaubert / Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881)
"Todas as coisas, por insignificantes que sejam, contêm um pouco de desconhecido. É isto o que devemos procurar."
Pani Bovary, muzyka Przemysław Gintrowski. (Screen z http://piostenkaztekstem.pl)
RT @Agniesz61796740@twitter.com
Pani Bovary – to ja.
12.12.1821 ur. się Gustave Flaubert, jeden z najwybitniejszych pisarzy francuskich, przedstawiciel naturalizmu. Autor Pani Bovary, Salammbô, Kuszenia św. Antoniego, Szkoły uczuć i in.
#Bornonthisday #GustaveFlaubert
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Agniesz61796740/status/1602179884373229568
#BornOnThisDay #gustaveflaubert
Son mal, à ce qu’il paraît, était une manière de brouillard qu’elle avait dans la tête, et les médecins n’y pouvaient rien, ni le curé non plus.
Quand ça la prenait trop fort, elle s’en allait toute seule sur le bord de la mer, si bien que le lieutenant de la douane, en faisant sa tournée, souvent la trouvait étendue à plat ventre et pleurant sur les galets.
Puis, après son mariage, ça lui a passé, dit-on.
– Mais, moi, reprenait Emma, c’est après le mariage que ça m’est venu.
Despite the fact that Flaubert's Madame Bovary has never left me since I first read it in the 90s, it's taken me until today, laid up in bed with a bad back, to watch the 1991 film with Isabelle Huppert (dir. Claude Chabrol). Can't say I enjoyed it per se but it was damn impressive. Reminded me of how the prosecutor Ernest Pinard described the novel during its trial - "No gauze for him, no veils - he gives us nature in all her nudity and crudity."
#gustaveflaubert #isabellehuppert #madamebovary
Cabiria (1914), the first cinematic epic. One of the most influential motion pictures ever made.
Set against the background of Rome's wars with Carthage, it introduced the character Maciste. He appeared in countless Italian movies right up to the 60s and became the major hero of the peplum genre.
Cabiria is in fact the ancestor of that entire genre.
Includes the screen's first femme fatale.
My review: https://princeplanetmovies.blogspot.com/2013/12/cabiria-1914.html
#gustaveflaubert #emiliosalgari #silentfilms
ARTE-Doku: Der Fall »Madame Bovary« https://leanderwattig.com/dokuliebe/dokus/2021/der-fall-madame-bovary/ #WasmitBüchern–Doku #GustaveFlaubert #AudreyGordon #Doku-Liebe #ARTE
#wasmitbüchern #gustaveflaubert #AudreyGordon #doku #arte
Les manuscrits de #GustaveFlaubert réunis dans #Gallica
#gustaveflaubert #gallica #littérature