#AccaddeOggi nel 1898 muore il pittore francese #GustaveMoreau precursore del simbolismo, ispiratore del surrealismo
Edipo e la sfinge, 1864
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
#18aprile #accaddeoggi #gustavemoreau
RT @gustave_moreau
Four studies of snakes #moreau #gustavemoreau https://www.wikiart.org/en/gustave-moreau/four-studies-of-snakes
6 favorite works of art. #edwardburne-jones #gustavemoreau #barrywindsor-smith #timvigil #jackkirby #jeffreycatherinejones
#jeffreycatherinejones #jackkirby #timvigil #barrywindsor #gustavemoreau #edwardburne
RT @gustave_moreau
The park and the angel of death, 1890 #symbolism #gustavemoreau https://www.wikiart.org/en/gustave-moreau/the-park-and-the-angel-of-death-1890
RT @gustave_moreau
The Triumph of Alexander the Great, 1892 #moreau #gustavemoreau https://www.wikiart.org/en/gustave-moreau/the-triumph-of-alexander-the-great-1892
RT @gustave_moreau
Thracian Girl Carrying the Head of Orpheus, 1864 #moreau #gustavemoreau