Continued listening to #Mahler yesterday. I also listened to,
Bayerisches Staatsorchester, Kirill Petrenko, Symphony No. 7
as well as
Budapest Festival Orchestra, Iván Fischer, Symphony No. 9
I still have a lot more to get through and hope to do so today. There are only a few more #GustavMahler albums I would like to get, but that will have to wait until I have the funds. Actually, specifically, I am interested in getting more Mahler conducted by #IvánFischer.
#mahler #gustavmahler #ivanfischer
Mahler: Symphony No. 6
Berliner Philharmoniker and Sir Simon Rattle
I may just listen to Mahler all day today.
#Mahler #GustavMahler #SirSimonRattle #BerlinerPhilharmoniker
#nowlistening #mahler #gustavmahler #sirsimonrattle #berlinerphilharmoniker #classicalmusic
This #GustavMahler #playlist is incredibly long......and doesn't cause nightmares........
#gustavmahler #playlist #composer
163 years ago today, #GustavMahler, Austrian composer (Symphony No. 2 - "Resurrection"), and conductor (New York Philharmonic, 1909-11), born in Kalischat, Bohemia (now Austria) (d. 1911)
Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911)
"Symphony No. 6 in A Minor"
Düsseldorfer Symphoniker/Ádám Fischer
(Avi Music 2021)
#nowlistening #ClassicalMusic #music #symphony #AustrianComposers
#adamfischer #gustavmahler #austriancomposers #symphony #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening
#NowPlaying: Mahler: Symphony No. 7 as recorded by Bayerisches Staatsorchester and Kirill Petrenko
This album was the 2022 #GramophoneMagazine award winner under Orchestral.
#Mahler #GustavMahler #BayerischesStaatsorchester #classicalmusic #KirillPetrenko @classicalmusic
#nowplaying #gramophonemagazine #mahler #gustavmahler #bayerischesstaatsorchester #classicalmusic #kirillpetrenko
Zwei verschiedene Programme stehen am Wochenende auf dem Plan.
Suhl wird bereits #DasKlagendeLied von #GustavMahler hören. Wundervollen Musik zu einem sehr traurigen #flotenmarchen
#diemusikdieserwoche #dasklagendelied #gustavmahler #flotenmarchen #mdrso #mdrchor #dennisrusselldavies
Getting ready for #gustavmahler 10th symphony with @copenhagenphil conducted by Yoel Gamzou
Mahler 11: Lied van Verlangen. Gustav en Alma Mahler komen tot leven in geslaagd stuk van Bart Vieveen
Zo lang is het dus nog niet echt geleden, dat een wereldberoemd componist tegen zijn 20 jaar jongere geliefde kon zeggen dat zij moest stoppen met componeren
#DONATIEGEVRAAGD #MUZIEK #PODIUMKUNST #THEATER #almamahler #GustavMahler #leiden #recensie
#recensie #leiden #gustavmahler #almamahler #theater #PODIUMKUNST #muziek #DONATIEGEVRAAGD
Absolute power, misconduct and decline: the classical music pieces that unlock Tár
#tar #edwardelgar #gustavmahler
One’s Way
“The important thing is never to let oneself be guided by the opinion of one's contemporaries; to continue steadfastly on one's way without letting oneself be either defeated by failure or diverted by applause.” — Gustav Mahler
Gustav Mahler was an Austrian composer who's work is familiar to us whether we know it or not. His Sy
#PersonalGrowth #Art #Habits #History #Music #Productivity #Writing #GustavMahler #StevenPressfield
#personalgrowth #art #habits #history #music #productivity #writing #gustavmahler #stevenpressfield
"The sadder side of summer."
Tragedy struck Gustav Mahler, the archetypal summer composer, in 1907.
#culture #music #GustavMahler #Mahler
#mahler #culture #music #gustavmahler
I'm a guitar player, composer, producer. I'm into all kinds. Some favorites are #elliottsmith #billfrisell #wesmontgomery #nickdrake #tinhattrio #gaborszabo #marcribot #villalobos #julianlage #jimmypage #michaelhedges #davidrussell #jeffparker #chetatkins #merletravis #laurelpremo #bach #pavement #djangoreinhardt #jonathanrichman #gustavmahler #aaroncopelan #michaelhurley #jeansibelius #milesdavis #ledzeppelin #tomwaits #debashishbhattacharya #sonnysharrock #arvopart #ericsatie #barrios
#elliottsmith #billfrisell #wesmontgomery #nickdrake #tinhattrio #gaborszabo #marcribot #villalobos #julianlage #jimmypage #michaelhedges #davidrussell #jeffparker #chetatkins #merletravis #laurelpremo #bach #pavement #djangoreinhardt #jonathanrichman #gustavmahler #aaroncopelan #michaelhurley #jeansibelius #milesdavis #ledzeppelin #tomwaits #debashishbhattacharya #sonnysharrock #arvopart #ericsatie #barrios
Pre - klaxon - klaxon:
The wonderful Sarah Connolly singing Mahler this evening on BBC Radio3
(For those who click hash tags there appears at this time to be only one other use of the Sarah Connolly hash tag in this region of the Fediverse ... you may interpret this as a mild CW tho the lady tooting the toot in question does put it into context😊)
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Gustav Mahler, BBC National Orchestra of Wales & Markus Stenz:
🎵 Symphony No 9 in D Major
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #gustavmahler #BBCNationalOrchestraofWales #markusstenz
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Gustav Mahler, Friedrich Rückert, Christian Gerhaher, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra & Antonello Manacorda:
🎵 Rückert-Lieder
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #gustavmahler #friedrichruckert
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Gustav Mahler, Friedrich Rückert, Christian Gerhaher, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra & Antonello Manacorda:
🎵 Rückert-Lieder
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #gustavmahler #friedrichruckert
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Gustav Mahler, Gürzenich-Orchester Köln & Markus Stenz:
🎵 Symphony No 1; Scherzo (2nd movement)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #gustavmahler #gurzenichorchesterkoln #markusstenz
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Gustav Mahler, Christian Gerhaher & Gerold Huber:
🎵 Urlicht (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
#nowplaying #breakfast #gustavmahler #ChristianGerhaher #GeroldHuber
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Gustav Mahler, Ewa Poblocka & Jadwiga Rappé:
🎵 5 Ruckert-Lieder
#GustavMahler #EwaPoblocka #JadwigaRappé
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#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #gustavmahler #ewapoblocka #jadwigarappe