We hear the old cliche of "we are what we eat" all the time. The latest episode of Vox's Unexplainable podcast takes that cliche and dives deep into our gut.... bacteria that is.
Fascinating look on the possible links between gut bacteria and how we feel emotionally.
#gutBacteria #bacteria #probiotic
Interesting. Will need to look further into this, someone mentioned to us that plantBased #estrogens doesn't metabolise as estrogen in humans, but having said that, the #glyphosate (#RoundUp) in #soy is a #gutBacteria killer, and does seem to wreck havok on people's #health, including producing #allegies.
Resisting non-#organic soy and #canola is one of the greatest things a person can do.
It's also intensely difficult. See our #tracesOfSoy toot.
#estrogens #glyphosate #roundup #soy #gutBacteria #health #allegies #organic #canola #tracesOfSoy