#BrianKeating - How Did Our #Universe Begin?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Science #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #Inflation #StandardModel #Guth #AlanGuth #MagneticMonopoles #Monopoles #FlatnessProblem #Topology #Gravity #GeneralRelativity #Multiverse #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #multiverse #generalrelativity #gravity #topology #flatnessproblem #monopoles #magneticmonopoles #alanguth #guth #standardmodel #inflation #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #science #philosophyofscience #philosophy #universe #briankeating
OK, I saw enough of your "annoying" toots to try it out, @ancestorian. I created a #Guth / #Guth surname group to see if it attracts anyone. Was shocked about the amount of adds until I saw that it's a community effort.
New guy on my #Guth family #genealogy #facebook group writes that he has "followed the Guth family all the way back to the 1400 ... Go to www.geni.com a European family name search…"
When being asked for primary documents, he replied "I just did, go on that web and search it for yourself…"