58 years ago:
The Party's Over (UK)
This once controversial British movie that was filmed in ‘62 but released in ‘65 involves the fiancé of a depressed American heiress searching for her whereabouts amongst the Chelsea “beatnik” scene. Answers are hard to come by from the nihilistic hedonist youth that know her - but they provide myst...
#ThePartysOver #GuyHamilton #OliverReed #EddieAlbert #MikePratt #Film
#thepartysover #guyhamilton #oliverreed #eddiealbert #mikepratt #film
69 years ago:
An Inspector Calls (UK)
Based on a famous stage play and set in the year 1912, an upper crust family dinner is interrupted by a police inspector who brings news that a girl known to everyone present has died in suspicious circumstances. It seems that any or all of them could have had a hand in her death. But who is the mys...
#AnInspectorCalls #GuyHamilton #AlastairSim #BryanForbes #ClassicFilm
#AnInspectorCalls #guyhamilton #alastairsim #bryanforbes #classicfilm
41 years ago:
Evil Under the Sun (UK)
An opulent beach resort provides a scenic background to this amusing whodunit as Poirot attempts to uncover the nefarious evildoer behind the strangling of a notorious stage star.
#EvilUndertheSun #GuyHamilton #PeterUstinov #JaneBirkin #NicholasClay #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#evilunderthesun #guyhamilton #peterustinov #janebirkin #nicholasclay #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
63 years ago:
A Touch of Larceny (GB,US)
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he ...
#ATouchofLarceny #GuyHamilton #JamesMason #GeorgeSanders #VeraMiles #Paramount #ClassicFilm #Movies
#atouchoflarceny #guyhamilton #JamesMason #georgesanders #veramiles #paramount #classicfilm #movies
59 years ago:
Man in the Middle (GB,US)
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial. But when Lt. Adams starts encountering ...
#ManintheMiddle #GuyHamilton #RobertMitchum #BarrySullivan #KeenanWynn #SamWanamaker #20thCenturyFox
#maninthemiddle #guyhamilton #robertmitchum #barrysullivan #keenanwynn #samwanamaker #20thcenturyfox
59 years ago:
Man in the Middle (GB,US)
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial. But when Lt. Adams starts encountering ...
#ManintheMiddle #GuyHamilton #RobertMitchum #BarrySullivan #KeenanWynn #SamWanamaker #20thCenturyFox
#maninthemiddle #guyhamilton #robertmitchum #barrysullivan #keenanwynn #samwanamaker #20thcenturyfox
68 years ago:
The Colditz Story (UK)
Allied prisoners of various nationalities pool their resources to plan numerous escapes from an "escape-proof" German P.O.W. camp housed in a Medieval castle.
#TheColditzStory #GuyHamilton #JohnMills #LionelJeffries #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thecolditzstory #guyhamilton #johnmills #lioneljeffries #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
68 years ago:
The Colditz Story (UK)
Allied prisoners of various nationalities pool their resources to plan numerous escapes from an "escape-proof" German P.O.W. camp housed in a Medieval castle.
#TheColditzStory #GuyHamilton #JohnMills #LionelJeffries #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thecolditzstory #guyhamilton #johnmills #lioneljeffries #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Guy Hamilton's Manuela (US title Stowaway Girl), an odd little 1957 British film. An unconventional romance and maritime adventure drama combined. With a great cast headed by Trevor Howard, Donald Pleasence and Elsa Martinelli.
A crusty but kindly middle-aged sea captain falls in love with a beautiful girl stowaway. Insanely romantic and quirky.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2021/03/manuela-1957.html
#FilmMastodon #ClassicMovies #ElsaMartinelli #TrevorHoward #DonaldPleasence #romance #RomanceMovies #GuyHamilton
#FilmMastodon #classicmovies #elsamartinelli #trevorhoward #donaldpleasence #romance #romancemovies #guyhamilton