A raíz de una recomendación de #GuyKawasaki, démosle una leída a este libro..
"The Design of Everyday Things", de Don Norman.
Great software leaps from a computer and infects people's brains.
-- Guy Kawasaki
#Computers #Software #GuyKawasaki #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot
#computers #software #guykawasaki #quotes #panopainting #bot
Wow! It's almost December! And it's time for the Latest Issue of T&C's! 🐶🐱🦄
I'm really excited about this one, and not just because it's our cutest issue ever. In this issue will be talking about being a visionary, being an evangelist, and being adorable!
#ContractPodAi #LegalTech #LegalTechnology #ProductEvangelism #Evangelist #GuyKawasaki #CLM #LawFedi #visionary
#contractpodai #legaltech #legaltechnology #productevangelism #evangelist #guykawasaki #clm #lawfedi #visionary
Inspired by #guykawasaki's simple questions that drive innovation. See more: https://bit.ly/3AsVfHw