TV TONIGHT (August 16)
#DeppVHeard #TheWonderYears #HolmesFamilyRescue #TheBigD #MiguelWantsToFight #AtHomeWithTheFurys #FoodStars #GuysGroceryGames #BattleOfTheDecades #HouseOfPayne #NancyDrew #AmericanPickers #CourtCam #DrPimplePopper #Grownish
#grownish #drpimplepopper #courtcam #americanpickers #NancyDrew #houseofpayne #battleofthedecades #guysgrocerygames #foodstars #athomewiththefurys #miguelwantstofight #thebigd #holmesfamilyrescue #TheWonderYears #DeppvHeard
Been a while since I’ve watched an episode of Guy’s Grocery Games. We don’t have cable but we do have the #FoodNetwork app on our #Roku Streambar. Currently season 23 is free. I dialed up the episode titled “April Fools Day”. It was not what I expected. #GuyFieri loves pulling tricks and stunts on contestants. It’s a tribute to Carl Ruiz, a chef, a judge, and a sometimes contestant on #TripleG, who died unexpectedly at the age of 44 of heart disease.
#carlruiz #ruizing #guysgrocerygames #tripleg #GuyFieri #Roku #foodnetwork
Kel Mitchell was on #GuysGroceryGames recently. Dude has aged amazingly well. He brought his wife. Awesome to see an icon of my childhood happy and healthy. They made an orange soda float. 😂
TV TONIGHT (March 1)
#TheMandalorian #Survivor #TrueLies #SpecialForces #TheWineDownBET #HomicideHunter #Wreck #WrongSideOfTheTracks #TheGoldbergs #ChicagoMed #SouthPark #My600LbLife #Moonshiners #PumpRules #TheFlash #GuysGroceryGames #AEWDynamite
#aewdynamite #guysgrocerygames #theflash #PumpRules #moonshiners #my600lblife #southpark #ChicagoMed #thegoldbergs #wrongsideofthetracks #wreck #homicidehunter #thewinedownbet #specialforces #TrueLies #survivor #TheMandalorian
My favourite TV shows of the year.
1. #StarTrekLowerDecks
2. #TheCrown
3. #Severance
4. #TheMorningShow
5. #StarTrekPicard
6. #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
7. #TheCircle
8. #TheBoys
9. #SWAT
10. #NailedIt
Honourable mentions: #MicaculousLadybug, #StarTrekDiscovery, #MastersOfTheUniverse & #HeMan, #GuysGroceryGames, #TheExpanse, #Yellowstone, and #Chopped.
#startrekstrangenewworlds #startreklowerdecks #thecrown #severance #themorningshow #startrekpicard #thecircle #theboys #nailedit #micaculousladybug #startrekdiscovery #mastersoftheuniverse #heman #guysgrocerygames #theexpanse #yellowstone #chopped #top10 #tvshows #series #swat
might as well hop on the #7SeriesToKnowMe train.
i had to think on this one, and i’m really very pleased with this list! 0% #copaganda (except maybe #GGG)
#7seriestoknowme #startrektng #futurama #thegoodplace #guysgrocerygames #batmantheanimatedseries #ashvsevildead #TheBrakShow #copaganda #ggg
Okay, this is weird. I fantasize that I’m a contestant on #guysgrocerygames
Marshmallows are a whammy ingredient. Everyone else uses them on sweet potatoes. Me, I make Ambrosia. Only I whip cream cheese and heavy cream, instead of cool whip. I might also use fresh fruit instead of canned. Pineapple, coconut. Kiwi.
I have never actually made this. It’s a fantasy.
My weekly watch list #BelowDeck #Chopped #ChicagoMed #AbbottElementary #HomeEconomics #BigSky #GhostsCBS #SVU #GreysAnatomy #AlaskaDaily #TheWhiteLotus #AMillionLittleThings #SNL #TheKitchen #HouseHunters #GuysGroceryGames #Days #GH #JimmyKimmelLive
#belowdeck #chopped #chicagomed #abbottelementary #homeeconomics #bigsky #ghostscbs #svu #greysanatomy #alaskadaily #thewhitelotus #amillionlittlethings #SNL #thekitchen #househunters #guysgrocerygames #days #gh #jimmykimmellive
Catching up on #GuysGroceryGames and wishing they’d do another pro athlete/pro chef team episode with teaming with ...