QRT https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109637353901561503
A short #JWHIA #SchoolLetter! Lots of #names, some #OldFriends, and tasty #snacks If I skip something you are curious about, @ me. Onward!
#Gveret (also #Geveret, #Giveret, G'veret) /'g(ə)veret (Hebrew)/ = lady, madame, Ms. (can be used as a title)
#jwhia #schoolletter #names #gveret #geveret #giveret #oldfriends #snacks
It's my understanding that in modern Israeli Hebrew, 1) #Gever and #Gveret aren't actually equivalent: Gveret is a title but Gever isn't, it just means "man," and the titles used instead are Mar (=Mr) or Adon (=Mr, Lord); but also 2) people default to first names in most contexts and don't really use title+surname as a common form of address.
The JWHIA folks do everything intentionally, so what's up? some hypotheses:
QRT https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109602817664790710
#Gveret (also Geveret, G'veret) /'g(ə)veret (Hebrew)/ = lady, madame, Ms
(but see Gever, below!)