My ubuntu is lagging alot and i don't know how to fix it #gvfs #administrator
I've been looking for a #GoogleDrive #Linux integration that is not as buggy as #GNOME's #gvfs integration. #rclone seemed like the right tool, but I wanted to mount the remote drive to a local folder automatically with my user login, so I stumbled upon this great Gist:
Seems to work great for the moment and at a much faster speed than the GNOME integration.
#googledrive #linux #gnome #gvfs #rclone
After writing a script a couple posts ago that replaced icons for folders of music albums with the album cover art, I decided to do something similar for my photo albums!
You can find my half-baked script here:
(I also recommend visiting New Zealand)
Nach wochenlanger Recherche und Austausch von Netzwerkkomponenten habe ich endlich rausgefunden, warum die Übertragungsraten beim Upload mittels #manjaro auf meinen Server (#unraid) so langsam waren. Meine WindowsTest-VM war hingegen sauschnell.
Lösung: Der Dateimanager #thunar bindet Sambafreigaben mittels #gvfs ein. Ich habe das manuell auf #cifs umgestellt und siehe da, ich komme auf die Maximalraten im Gigabitnetzwerk.
Glück gehabt, ich wollte schon fast die Kabel aus der Wand reißen.😜
#cifs #gvfs #thunar #unraid #manjaro
GNOME Packages, More Updated in Tumbleweed This Week #openSUSETumbleweed #linuxkernel5.2 #Announcements #GNOMEBuilder #python-parso #Tumbleweed #WeeklyNews #firefox68 #wireshark #darkmode #hylafax #rubygem #hwinfo #Kubic #Guile #hbogo #intel #Krita #dasd #drbd #gcc9 #gvfs #perl #vala #CVE
#opensusetumbleweed #linuxkernel5 #announcements #gnomebuilder #python #tumbleweed #weeklynews #firefox68 #wireshark #darkmode #hylafax #rubygem #hwinfo #kubic #guile #hbogo #intel #krita #dasd #drbd #gcc9 #gvfs #perl #vala #cve