Today marks the anniversary of #GW170817, our first observation of a binary neutron star, and our first multimessenger source!
#gw170817 #GravitationalWaves #Astrodon
Happy Birthday, GW170817! Six years ago today, @LIGO and Virgo observed gravitational waves from merging neutron stars for the first time, and many other telescopes observed the electromagnetic radiation produced by the event.
Our press release about the event:
Numerical simulation:
#gw170817 #gravitationalwaves #binaryneutronstar
Happy Birthday, GW170817! Heute vor sechs Jahren beobachteten @LIGO und Virgo erstmals Gravitationswellen von verschmelzenden Neutronensternen und jede Menge andere Teleskope die vom Ereignis erzeugte elektromagnetische Strahlung.
Unsere Pressemitteilung zum Ereignis:
Numerische Simulation:
#gw170817 #gravitationswellen #doppelneutronenstern
Gravitational-wave reading for a Saturday afternoon: Einstein Online article on the first merger of two neutron stars observed with gravitational waves: GW170817
#SaturdayReading #Waiting4O4 #O4 #GravitationalWaves #GW170817
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationalwaves #gw170817
Gravitationswellen-Lektüre für den Samstagnachmittag: Einstein-Online-Artikel zu GW170817, der ersten mit Gravitationswellen beobachteten Verschmelzung zweier Neutronensterne:
#SaturdayReading #Waiting4O4 #O4 #Gravitationswellen #GW170817
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationswellen #gw170817
Wenn euch unsere Visualisierung von GW170817 gefallen hat, werdet ihr die schönen Bilder auf der Homepage unseres Instituts lieben:
#Waiting4O4 #O4 #GW170817 #MultimediaMonday #Gravitationswellen
#waiting4o4 #o4 #gw170817 #multimediamonday #gravitationswellen
If you liked our GW170817 visualisation, you'll love the beautiful still images you can find on our institute's homepage:
#Waiting4O4 #O4 #GW170817 #MultimediaMonday #GravitationalWaves
#waiting4o4 #o4 #gw170817 #multimediamonday #gravitationalwaves
Diese Woche geht es am #MultimediaMonday um GW170718, die erste durch Gravitationswellen beobachtete Verschmelzung zweier Neutronensterne. Schaut euch diese wunderschöne wissenschaftliche Visualisierung an:
#multimediamonday #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationswellen #gw170817
This week's #MultimediaMonday features GW170718, the first binary neutron star merger observed in gravitational waves. Watch this beautiful scientific visualisation:
#multimediamonday #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationalwaves #gw170817
And I probably should have tagged this thread with #Astrodon #GW170817 #BPASS #Astrophysics too....
#Astrodon #gw170817 #bpass #astrophysics
Guide to Transient Astronomy #core-collapsesupernovae #superluminoussupernovae #supernovaprogenitors #tidaldisruptionevent #gravitationalwaves #type1asupernovae #typeiisupernovae #fastradiobursts #gamma-raybursts #radioastronomy #variablestars #whitedwarfs #supernovae #magnetars #gw170817 #kilonova #guides #novae #grbs #rrat #agn #frb #tde
#core #superluminoussupernovae #supernovaprogenitors #tidaldisruptionevent #type1asupernovae #typeiisupernovae #variablestars #radioastronomy #whitedwarfs #supernovae #magnetars #gw170817 #kilonova #guides #novae #grbs #rrat #agn #frb #tde #gravitationalwaves #fastradiobursts #gamma
#astronomy #NeutronStars #BlackHoles An article accepted for publication in "The Astrophysical Journal Letter" reports a study based on the X-ray emissions from the #kilonova generated by the merger of two neutron #stars in the event detected by gravitational waves on August 17, 2017, and cataloged as #GW170817.
#astronomy #neutronstars #blackholes #kilonova #stars #gw170817
@mcnees This was the first example of an astrophysical event being simultaneously detected in both gravitational waves and across the electromagnetic spectrum. It opened up a new age of “multi-messenger astronomy,” an unprecedented way of measuring the universe.
Happy first anniversary to #GW170817.
#GW170817: A #Spectacular #Multi-Radiation #Merger Event Detected
#APOD: 2017 October 16 - #Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#gw170817 #spectacular #multi #merger #apod #astronomy #picture