Watch "Psychiatrists and the pharma industry are to blame for the current ‘epidemic’ of mental disorders" on YouTube
@ 50min Sir Slymon touting his book "Randomised Control Trail in #Psychiatry" 🤨
#PACEtrial 😂
performs comic turn on irrelevance DSM 
▶️ "I'm an #epidemiologist" 🤹
▶️ #GWI heroics 😳
🏹 W Self 🥊
▶️ Mrs W touting drugs IQ² 🤔
#psychiatry #pacetrial #epidemiologist #gwi
Psychiatrists And The Pharma Industry Are To Blame For The Current ‘epidemic’ Of Mental Disorders : Intelligence Squared : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Prof Sir Simon Wessely, now proven wrong about #GWI, taken to task by Will Self.
Gulf War illness caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, not inflammation:
Mary Ann Fletcher has sadly passed away at the age of 85
"She made progress in unraveling the consequences of military toxic injuries such as Gulf War Illness and contributed to the understanding of complex illness, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome"
MEpedia profile:
@gulfwarillness @mecfs @cfs #GulfWarSyndrome #GulfWarIllness #GWI #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MEeps
#gulfwarsyndrome #gulfwarillness #gwi #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #meeps
An audience full of Stooges including Dame Mrs Sir #Wessely 🙋
All worth watching
Check out from 50 minutes in
"What are you applauding..
the head of @rcpsych
doing a little comic turn to get your sympathy..
The emperor has no clothes.."
#wessely #myalgicencephalomyeltis #LongCovid #gwi
The George Washington Initiative taking lead again on the dangerous false flag bank-run protest with their original research. #GWI https://www.newsweek.com/trump-supporters-plan-bank-run-protest-his-arrest-1789034
New US research
"Exercise-induced changes in gene expression do not mediate post exertional malaise in Gulf War illness"
#GulfWarSyndrome #GulfWarIllness #GWI #PEM #MEcfs #CFS GulfWarIllness@a.gup.pe
#gulfwarsyndrome #gulfwarillness #gwi #PEM #mecfs #cfs