While a #Gwichin #SteeringCommittee leader said the policy "is a first for the #American #insurance industry & shows leadership to #protect #sacredLands ," Chubb's board opposes #climate & #HumanRights #shareholder resolutions.
An #Indigenous organization on Monday applauded #Chubb for joining #GlobalInsurers & #MajorBanks in #refusing to #underwrite new #FossilFuel #development within the #Arctic #National #Wildlife #Refuge in #Alaska
#gwichin #steeringcommittee #american #insurance #protect #sacredlands #climate #humanrights #shareholder #indigenous #chubb #globalinsurers #majorbanks #refusing #underwrite #fossilfuel #development #arctic #national #wildlife #refuge #alaska #stopecocide #environmental
#StopWillow: Can the TikTok Campaign Stop the New Alaskan Oil Project?
#StopWillowTikTok #Alaska #EliseJoshi #GenZ #Gwichin #IndigenousCommunities #JoeBiden #OilDrill #StopTheWillowProject #StopWillowProject #TikTok #WillowProject #Environment #Climate
#stopwillow #stopwillowtiktok #alaska #elisejoshi #GenZ #gwichin #Indigenouscommunities #joebiden #oildrill #stopthewillowproject #stopwillowproject #tiktok #willowproject #environment #climate
Get a #Gwichin post going so we can find each other here. #alaska, #teechik, #theNWT, #GwichyaaZhee, #VashraiiKoo, #Draanjik, #Neetsaii, #Vuntut, #venetie, #DinjiiZhuh
#gwichin #alaska #teechik #thenwt #gwichyaazhee #vashraiikoo #draanjik #neetsaii #vuntut #venetie #dinjiizhuh
Get a #Gwichin post going so we can find each other here. #alaska, #teechik, #theNWT, #GwichyaaZhee, #VashraiiKoo, #Draanjik, #Neetsaii, #Vuntut, #venetie, #DinjiiZhuh
#gwichin #alaska #teechik #thenwt #gwichyaazhee #vashraiikoo #draanjik #neetsaii #vuntut #venetie #dinjiizhuh