#WissenschaftlicheIntegrität Die sog. "3. Ebene" unserer Leitlinien zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis #GWP bietet spezifische Kommentierungen, Fallbeispiele, #FAQ, Verweise auf Gesetze u. Normen, zugehörige #DFG-Stellungnahmen und externe Quellen.
Einfach mal reinschauen: ➡️ https://wissenschaftliche-integritaet.de/neue-beitraege-2/
#wissenschaftlicheintegritat #gwp #faq #dfg
#POTUS delivers update on his strategy to build America’s small business boom, while Speaker McCarthy and House #gwp threaten to harm small businesses and eliminate jobs.
Thanks to Joe #Biden, the adult in the room.
#Elezioni #GuineaBissau
Risultati definitivi:
#PAIGC-#UM-#PCD-#PSD-#MDG|Sinistra: 54 seggi (+6)
#MademG15|Centro-sinistra populista: 29 (+2)
#PRS|Centro ruralista: 12 (-9)
#GWP|Sinistra: 6 (+6)
#APU|Centro-sinistra: 1 (-4)
Totale seggi: 102
Maggioranza: 52
Attuale governo (MademG15-PRS-APU): 42 (❌Maggioranza persa❌)
#elezioni #GuineaBissau #PAIGC #um #pcd #psd #mdg #mademg15 #prs #gwp #APU
This is one of the most beautiful @lego projects that I’ve built so far 🤍
It’s a #GWP set called the “Houses of The World 1”.
I love all the tiny details that they put on it: the little dog at the front door (probably a “Cacri” Breed) and the TV Satellite antennae on the rooftop 💛.
The colors they picked remind me of the Colonial Houses from Cartagena Colombia, or Venezuela 🌺.
#lego #legophotography
3. Most important impact #indicators of bio-based solutions are GHG emissions (#GWP), Particulate matter/Air pollution (#PM) and Land use related impacts (#LU). Interestingly we observe beneficial effects on Human Health (HH-tox)!
4. The most important #LifeCycleStage of both conventional and bio-based solutions is the #production stage, i.e. impacts occurring #upfront.
5. Even best-performing bio-based options’ embodied GWP exceed #biogenic #carbon content.
#indicators #gwp #pm #lu #lifecyclestage #production #upfront #biogenic #carbon
Iets kopen wat nog niet officieel te krijgen is? #lego #bionicle #gwp #VintedLegoAds
#lego #bionicle #gwp #vintedlegoads
First set in a new collection of Lego Houses of the World, inspired by the architectural beauty of the homes of South America and filled with delightful colors; the house is modular with exciting interior decorations
I need to find *another* excuse to spend 250 € on Lego.com to get this 🫠
« #WissenschaftlicheIntegritaet: Die Übergangsfrist zur Umsetzung der Leitlinien zur #GWP durch Forschungseinrichtungen endet im Juli 2023. Die Umsetzung ist erforderlich, um weiterhin Fördermittel der #DFG zu erhalten. Alle Infos zu Kodex & Umsetzung:⬇️
https://wissenschaftliche-integritaet.de/umsetzung-des-kodex-durch-hochschulen-und-ausserhochschulische-forschungseinrichtungen/ »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/dfg_public/status/1610241860664016896
#wissenschaftlicheintegritaet #gwp #dfg
DFG weist auf Notwendigkeit zur Umsetzung des KODEX ("Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis") in 2023 hin #GWP #DFG #openscience
“more than 50 “super-emitter - facilities, equipment, and other infrastructure… that emit methane at high rates.” @BillNye @CanadianPM @cafreeland @POTUS #naturalgas #GWP
RT @signalkat@twitter.com
Shattered #PlanetHealth #EEI #GWP #GHG #ENSO #ENS #ONI
Lest We Forget
This at 1.2C Average Global Warming Extended La Niña
Imagine 1.5 C and an El Niño
Catastrophic Climate Chaos Ahead.... https://twitter.com/ecowarriorss/status/1610459306666897408
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/signalkat/status/1610702529423347714
#oni #ens #enso #ghg #gwp #eei #planethealth
Policy paper
Atmospheric implications of increased #hydrogen use
This study used current #climate and atmospheric chemistry models to explore the atmospheric impacts of a global hydrogen economy. It modelled atmospheric impacts and calculated the radiative #forcing resulting from hydrogen emissions and hydrogen’s global warming potential. #GWP
#gwp #forcing #climate #hydrogen
Lien vers l'outil en ligne :
#gwp #energy #greenit #ict #servers #resourcedepletion #opensource
#gwp #energy #greenit #ict #servers #ResourceDepletion #opensource
RT @idw_online_de@twitter.com
@ZB_MED@twitter.com sagt Falschinformationen den Kampf an. Im @dfg_public@twitter.com Projekt #AQUAS wird eine Anwendung entstehen, die auf #KI basiert und unbekannte Texte aufgrund semantischer Kriterien graduell einordnen kann. #FightDesinformation #GWP #KünstlicheIntelligenz https://idwf.de/-DEslAC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/idw_online_de/status/1597538467122221057
#aquas #ki #fightdesinformation #gwp #kunstlicheintelligenz
Wann gibt es eigentlich eine Art CO2 Bewertung ähnlich #GWP #globalwarmingpotential für alltägliche Konsumgüter? #klima #KlimaSchutz
#gwp #globalwarmingpotential #klima #KlimaSchutz
Did I place not 1 but 2 very expensive orders just so that I could get 2 pairs of exclusive GWPs from Lego? (Gift With Purchase)
…no 🥸
#homeofthebrick #legohouse #gwp #lego
Atmospheric implications of increased #hydrogen use
This study used current climate and atmospheric chemistry models to explore the atmospheric impacts of a global hydrogen economy. It modelled atmospheric impacts and calculated the radiative forcing resulting from hydrogen emissions and hydrogen’s global warming potential #GWP.
The findings from the study show that use of hydrogen as a substitute for carbon-containing fossil fuels such as natural gas would prevent emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, with significant climate benefits. However, any leakage of hydrogen will affect atmospheric composition (with implications for air quality) and have an indirect warming effect on climate, partially offsetting some of the climate benefits of the reduction in carbon dioxide.
- nicht erwähnt in:
Die Jagd nach Grünem Wasserstoff
06.12.2022 #FAKT #ARD
Relaxen Draadhaar-stijl: kont op de bank, voorpoten op de vloer en kop op de tafel. Afijn.
#gwp #germanwirehairedpointer #dogsofmastodon