Operation #GetMyBodyBack has officially started. I let myself go in 2020-2022 due to many setbacks (and procrastination.) New gear (#GymShark) and I had my chest completely crushed.
L'opération #GetMyBodyBack a officiellement commencé. Je me suis laissé aller en 2020-2022 en raison de nombreux revers (et de la procrastination.) Nouveaux vêtements (#GymShark) et j'ai eu ma poitrine complètement écrasée.
#lifting #fitness #sallesesport #progress #motivation #gym #weightlifting #bodybuilding
#getmybodyback #gymshark #lifting #fitness #sallesesport #progress #motivation #gym #weightlifting #bodybuilding
De fisiculturista a bilionário: fundador da Gymshark construiu um unicórnio
#StartupsUnicórnios #Gymshark #Empresas #BilionáriosForbes #Bilionários #Negócios #ForbesMoney
#startupsunicornios #gymshark #empresas #bilionariosforbes #bilionarios #negocios #forbesmoney
Préparation et en route pour la salle de sport.
Getting ready to go to the gym
#gayfr #gayfrench #gayfrance #gay #fitness #fitnessaddict #fitnessrat #gymshark #gayfit #gayfitness #francophone
#gayfr #gayfrench #gayfrance #gay #fitness #fitnessaddict #fitnessrat #gymshark #gayfit #gayfitness #francophone
What a sweet compliment I received at the gym!
I'm fiercely intense when I #workout, but this was a wonderful opportunity to share some #positivity and make a new friend!
Thought I'd share:
#gym #gymlife #edgymemes #gymmotivation #gymrat #gymtime #gymnastics #gymshark #gymflow #gymgirl #edgymeme #gymaddict #gymnast #gymfreak #gymwear #kind #inspiration #compliment #mademyday❤️
#workout #positivity #gym #gymlife #edgymemes #gymmotivation #gymrat #gymtime #gymnastics #gymshark #gymflow #gymgirl #edgymeme #gymaddict #gymnast #gymfreak #gymwear #kind #inspiration #compliment #mademyday