Does anyone know when tickets for NCAA championships go on sale? The event doesn't seem to be on the arena's website yet. I recall people buying tickets at the end of November last year. #NCAAGym #gymternet
Hi, everyone :anarchoheart3:
I’m an abolitionist #vegan based in Korea. (Yes, I am Korean)
I speak Korean, English, and a little Spanish(Castellano).
I’m an #anarchist. I live with right wingers, so I’m hoping this place can be a breath of fresh air for me!
Even the “IRL” vegan climate activism circle is riddled with liberals it pains me lol.
I’m #queer 💚 (#transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec)
Also #disabled, #neurodivergent, #ChronicallyIll, #ADHDer
I’m bad at my jobs and hobbies and all my interests! And I think that’s fine :)
#dance #programming #music #singing #piano #translation #LanguageLearning #makeup #fashion
I want to stop being a #sports fan, but it’s so hard omg. #gymnastics #baseball #volleyball mostly. (#gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong)
I quit being a skating fan at least, so while I might occasionally cry over how beautiful VM was, don’t lure me back in.
Oh, and I really crave deep connections and friendships, so feel free to talk to me about anything, really.
#Introduction #Vegan #Anarchist #queer #transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicallyill #ADHDer #dance #programming #Music #singing #piano #translation #languagelearning #makeup #fashion #sports #gymnastics #baseball #Volleyball #gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong
Hi, everyone :anarchoheart3:
I’m an abolitionist #vegan based in Korea. (Yes, I am Korean)
I speak Korean, English, and a little Spanish(Castellano).
I’m an #anarchist. I live with right wingers, so I’m hoping this place can be a breath of fresh air for me!
Even the vegan climate activism circle is riddled with liberals it pains me lol.
I’m #queer 💚 (#transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec)
Also #disabled, #neurodivergent, #ChronicallyIll, #ADHDer
I’m bad at my jobs and hobbies and all my interests! And I think that’s fine :)
#programming #music #singing #piano #translation #LanguageLearning #makeup #fashion
I want to stop being a #sports fan, but it’s so hard omg. #gymnastics #baseball #volleyball mostly. (#gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong)
I quit being a skating fan at least, so while I might occasionally cry over how beautiful VM was, don’t lure me back in.
Oh, and I really crave deep connections and friendships, so feel free to talk to me about anything, really.
#Introduction #Vegan #Anarchist #queer #transgender #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary #bisexual #pansexual #aspec #aromantic #arospec #disabled #neurodivergent #chronicallyill #ADHDer #programming #Music #singing #piano #translation #languagelearning #makeup #fashion #sports #gymnastics #baseball #Volleyball #gymternet #LeeJaeYeong #LeeDaYeong