Needed a boost today, and few things in life beat gyokuro
Hoje temos outro chá, desta vez Gyokuro de Asahina, Japão, da variedade Tsuyu-Hikari. É muito cremoso e delicioso, cheira a pinheiro e a nozes. Depois de o preparar, provavelmente só me restou uma xícara pequenina (~7.5 ml) de chá, mas gostei muito. E como sempre, aqui estão algumas fotografias.
#tea #gyokuro #japanesetea #photography
I blended about 2 cups of small, very sweet wild Québec strawberries with the juice of a lime, and added a bunch of ice. I then poured the iced gyokuro into it, and topped with a sprig of basil from the balcony garden.
Gyokuro packs a lot of caffeine per gramme, so I've been sipping this slowly and adding a lot of ice cubes, but this concoction is absolutely delicious. I'm absolutely going to do this again.
Found the recipe here:
#tea #TeaRitual #TeaInspiration #IcedTea #DrinkTea #Gyokuro #SurvivingSummerWithNoAC
#tea #tearitual #teainspiration #icedtea #DrinkTea #gyokuro #survivingsummerwithnoac
A rare treat today to sustain my brain through this horrifying heat! I made an iced tea smoothie treat for myself.
Last night, I took 10 grammes of gyokuro and cold brewed it into a litre of water, which I then stuck into the fridge overnight.
The resulting gyokuro was light and delicious, it took all my self control to not drink it immediately this morning, but I had other plans...
#tea #TeaRitual #TeaInspiration #IcedTea #DrinkTea #Gyokuro #SurvivingSummerWithNoAC @tea
#tea #tearitual #teainspiration #icedtea #DrinkTea #gyokuro #survivingsummerwithnoac
When the temperature hits 35 Celsius, I still drink tea. I just switch out the kettle for ice cubes. Gyokuro, kukicha, and hojicha are particularly delicious brewed on ice. The cold water pulls out all the sweetness and there is almost no bitterness.
Pictured is some gyokuro on ice brewing in a shiboridashi. I like to put a ton of gyokuro (like... an obscene amount) and let the icecubes melt, and I'll add a tiny little bit of cold water periodically to tease out all the cold sweetness.
#gyokuro #tea #shiboridashi #tearitual #icedtea #teainspiration #drinktea @tea
#gyokuro #tea #shiboridashi #tearitual #icedtea #teainspiration #DrinkTea
I've just given the kyusu its inaugural brew, with a wonderful gyokuro. It's a tiny little thing, a mere 160 ml, so not one to bring out when for serving guests. For when it's just little old me enjoying one of my fancier teas, it is perfection.
#tea #japanesetea #gyokuro #kyusu
#dtiys from @doomofthedesert . Check out not only get drawing, but the description of the tea this lady is resembling to, cause it's very interesting. Gyokuro tea.
#MastoArt #averil5555 #gyokuro #dtiys
Today's morning #tea practice: a brew of Yoshiharu (Uji, Japan) gyokuro in my #shiboridashi. I went all in on this one, about 10 grammes of tea per 90 mL of cool water (50-60 Celsius) in order to draw all the umami and sweet notes. Well-brewed gyokuro reminds me of the sea, and spring. It's a really enjoyable experience.
Notes on gyokuro:
#gyokuro #TeaPractice #DailyTea #Cha #ChaDoRaku #TeaRitual @tea
#tea #shiboridashi #gyokuro #teapractice #dailytea #cha #chadoraku #tearitual
Okay #tea aficionadi - recommend me a glass or stainless electric #kettle with temp control down to 50°C, preferably lower, available in USA.
I know people cooled their tea water in #yuzamashi for centuries before there was such a thing. That's more skill than I can manage before I've had my tea.
I've only used wide pour kettles - if you have a gooseneck, how do you like it? Is it worth giving up 10°C of temp control (50°C vs 60° min)?
#tea #gyokuro #shincha #kyusu #japanesegreentea #hohin #yuzamashi #kettle
Photos from this morning's dawn #tea practice with my shiboridashi (it's kind of like a tea pot meets a gaiwan — very fun.)
Drinking a #gyokuro called Okabe (#yabukita cultivar — see more details on the tea here: which is one of my favourite gyokuros when I want something less on the marine side of gyokuros.
@tea #TeaPractice #TeaTime #ItsAlwaysTeaTimeSomewhere #Gyokuro #shiboridashi #yabukita #YabukitaCultivar #Senchado
#tea #gyokuro #yabukita #teapractice #TeaTime #itsalwaysteatimesomewhere #shiboridashi #yabukitacultivar #senchado
Updated my tea garden:
#DigitalGarden #Tea #TeaGarden #PersonalWiki #Gyokuro #GreenTea #DrinkTeaAllDayEveryDay
#digitalgarden #tea #teagarden #personalwiki #gyokuro #greentea #drinkteaalldayeveryday
My latest addition to my #TeaGarden:
> This gyokuro reminds me (inexplicably) of a really good late summer squash. A very round, umami taste with absolutely no bitterness and only the lightest astringent-bordering-on-fruity notes that linger after each sip.
#gyokuro #DigitalGarden #TeaTime #DrinkTeaAllDayEveryDay #Tea #shiboridashi @tea
#teagarden #gyokuro #digitalgarden #TeaTime #drinkteaalldayeveryday #tea #shiboridashi
Parce que j'ai laissé échapper ma théière gyokuro préférée et ça m’a vraiment déçu, j’ai décidé de m’acheter mon premier shiboridashi!
Le voici, je ne sais pas encore quel sera son nom, mais il est extrêmement bien fait, ne laissant échapper aucune goutte de thé.
Je l’ai utilisé pour préparer un gyokuro de Ujitawara, Japon, ce matin, qui est très bon. Pour environ 90 mL d’eau à 50-60 degrés Celsius, je l’infuse pendant 4 à 5 minutes. Le résultat est divin.
#tea #gyokuro #TeaTime #HeureDuThé #Thé #Senchado #Gyokuro #Shiboridashi #ThéJaponais #ThéVert
#tea #gyokuro #TeaTime #heureduthe #the #senchado #shiboridashi #thejaponais #thevert
Busy morning of cleaning the kitchen, getting some other chores done, staying on top of my physio exercises (feeling motivated today!) and enjoying a cup of tea (gyokuro karigane (kukicha)) before facing the big snow outside as I walk the 3 km to my ballet studio for class.
Delicious, delicious Sunday morning tea!
#karigane #gyokuro #kukicha #senchado #kyusu #teaTime #TisAlwaysTeaOclock #JapaneseTea #Bujo #VisuallyReassuringDeskClutter @tea
#karigane #gyokuro #kukicha #senchado #kyusu #TeaTime #tisalwaysteaoclock #JapaneseTea #bujo #visuallyreassuringdeskclutter
Nouveau compte sur une nouvelle instance, alors voici une nouvelle #introduction:
Je suis une personne #nonbinaire #queer qui vit à tiotiáh:ke (#Montréal #Quebec) avec mon conjoint @leifurhauks et notre chat pelucheux et opératique. Je suis un∙e auteur∙e en herbe multilingue, mais j’écris principalement en français et en anglais. J’adore le thé et le #senchado, je bois le plus souvent du #matcha ou, mon 🍵 préféré, du #gyokuro.
#introduction #nonbinaire #queer #Montréal #quebec #senchado #matcha #gyokuro
I’ve been on Mastodon since November 20, 2016, but as this is a new instance & new me, here’s a …little… intro:
Salut! I am a thirty-something #queer #disabled #nonbinary person who lives in tiotiáh:ke (#Montréal) with my partner @leifurhauks and our fluffy, operatic cat. I speak a few different languages, but French and English are the ones I write in most online. I love tea, at the moment I’m learning as much as I can about #matcha and #senchado. My favourite green tea right now is #gyokuro!
#queer #disabled #nonbinary #Montréal #matcha #senchado #gyokuro
For the first time ever I splurged on tea. I got Gyokuro from C. sinensis saemidori. Can't wait to try it tomorrow morning.